- The blood sample of rat were collected from Xiamen,Fujian. Isolation of Bartonella was processed on 5% brain heart infusion agar media supplemented with rabbit blood. 方法被检标本于2005年5~9月收集自福建省厦门市所捕捉活鼠,用5%25兔心血的脑心浸液琼脂培养基分离巴尔通体,可疑菌落分纯1~4代;
- brain heart infusion agar 脑心浸液琼脂
- Brain Heart Infusion with PAB and Agar 含PAB和琼脂的脑心浸粉琼脂
- Sabouraud(dextrose)agar and brain heart infusion 萨布罗(氏)琼脂和脑心浸剂
- brain heart infusion blood agar plate 脑心浸液血琼脂平板
- heart infusion agar 心浸液琼脂
- brain heart infusion 脑心浸液
- brain heart infusion broth 脑、心脏浸剂肉汤(作培养基用)
- Vigourously rotate the freshly inoculated molten infusion agar between the palms of the hands to distribute the organisms. 在手掌之间激烈地转动刚刚接种的溶化后的渗出洋菜培养基,使生物分散。
- beef heart infusion supplemented(broth or agar) 牛心浸液肉汤或琼脂(培养基), 牛心浸液补充
- Objective To get a better method through comparing two different methods on isolated frog heart infusing. 目的通过比较两种不同蛙心灌流的方法,得到一种更佳的方法。
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。
- That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 绞尽脑汁的数学测验,我真是绞尽了脑汁。
- Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。
- His good image has stolen up on my brain. 他的良好形象已渐渐在我头脑中形成。
- More than once I've felt my heart slip a cog. 我不止一次感到心脏突然停跳一下。
- A sudden, thought flashed across his brain. 突然一种想法在他脑海里闪过。
- The invader thrust the blade of his bayonet into the woman's heart. 侵略兵把刺刀的刀身刺入那个妇人的心脏。
- He is heir to his father's fine brain. 他承袭了他父亲的聪明头脑。
- The doctors gave him an ultrasonic brain scan. 医生给他做了脑部超声波扫描检查。