- A plantain is similar to a banana. 大蕉类似于香蕉。
- I did not know a plantain patch from a kangaroo! 我也不知道什么香蕉种植地,正如我不知道什么是袋鼠一样!
- I didn't know a plantain patch from a kangaroo! 我也不知道什么香蕉种植地,正如我不知道什么是袋鼠一样!
- The plantain trees were getting their new skins. 梧桐换上新装。
- Scapes naked or with a linear bract. 花葶裸露的或具一线形的苞片。
- Flowers sessile, ca. 8 per bract, in 2 rows. 花无梗,约8每苞片,在方面2排。
- A scale-like bract enclosing the pistil in Carex. 雌器苞 Perigynium (pl.;perigynia) 苔草属中;包被雌蕊的鳞片状苞片。
- North American plantain having reddish leafstalks and broad leaves. 北美车前,叶柄带红色,叶宽。
- And grew into such big plantain trees on top of other trees. 就长成了现在的飞来蕉。
- A small chafflike bract enclosing the flower of a grass. 内稃一种包住花的禾木科小穗上的苞片
- Mazus and Plantain are common dwarf herbs in the low land. 通泉草与车前草是低海拔常见的小型草本植物。
- The Aguaruna mainly grow plantain, maize, and yucca. 阿瓜鲁纳主要生产大蕉、玉米和丝兰。
- Usually 2 ovules were initiated in the axil of each bract scale. 轴上每个苞鳞片有2个胚珠。
- Stipules lanceolate, caducous, not becoming a bract. 托叶披针形,早落,不成为一个苞。
- Stipules persistent, often becoming a rounded, dentate bract. 托叶宿存,经常成为一圆形,有齿的苞。
- Inflorescence axillary, unbranched, male flowers 2 or 3 per bract. 花序腋生,不分枝,每苞片雄花2或3。
- Objective To study the effect of compound plantain ointment in curing bedsore. 目的研究复方车前草软膏对褥疮的治疗作用。
- Racemes terminal.Flowers few, solitary from bract axils. 总状花序顶生开花很少,单生从那里苞片。
- Flowers solitary in bract axils, bisexual, with 2 bractlets. 在苞片花单生腋,两性,具2小苞片。
- The plantain seeds are commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. 车前子是一味常见中药。