- bracing foundation pit 基坑围护
- Optimization of bracing plans for deep foundation pit is a important task of bracing design. 摘要深基坑支护方案的优选是基坑支护设计的一项重要工作。
- To the close shoring systems, it needn't define conditions of the boundary.The work of a Foundation Pit Bracing System CAD (JKZH CAD) is introduced. 对于封闭支护体系,不必确定边界条件.;介绍了基坑支护(JKZH)CAD系统的研究开发过程
- In a foundation pit in soft soil area, gravity retaining wall with diagonal bracing is used as well as those without bracing. 在软土地区一大型基坑中,同时采用了竖向斜撑对水泥搅拌桩重力式挡土墙进行加强和单纯采用重力式挡土墙两种基坑围护形式。
- Through grouting practice of design and construction,it is proved feasible and cheaper to use dam heavy curtain grouting technology for leakproof and bracing for foundation pit in the sandy gravel stratum. 通过一灌浆工程设计和施工实践,说明了在含水量高补给充分的砂砾卵石层中运用大坝帷幕灌浆技术进行基坑止水和支护的可行性和经济性。
- The main causes of breakage were concrete tube pile instability of foundation pit or failure of its bracing, soil squeeze due to pile driving, incorrect excavation and incorrect heap of soil. 摘要造成混凝土管桩倾斜与断裂的主要原因为基坑边坡失稳或支护结构破坏、沉桩挤土效应以及挖土与堆土不当等。
- Soil cement mixing pile has been used on soft soil foundation treatment and foundation pit bracing,however,the strength of soil cement mixing pile is low and its bearing capacity is not high. 常用的水泥土搅拌桩复合地基和挡土墙在软土地基加固和基坑围护工程中普遍应用,但是水泥土搅拌桩的强度较低,因此承载能力不高。
- Water and earth pressures are key factors to the stability of foundation pit. 摘要基坑支护结构上水土压力的大小是关系基坑稳定的重要因素。
- Dewatering is always necessary in foundation pit excavation and hand dig piles. 基坑开挖或施行人工挖孔桩常常需要进行人工降水。
- Earthwork workers are strictly forbidden to have rest in the foundation pit. 土方施工作业人员严禁在基坑内休息。
- design of bracing of foundation pit 基坑围护设计
- bracing engineering of deep foundation pit 深基坑支护工程
- Cement soil mixing pile plus anchor bolts is a new supporting technology for foundation pit . 水泥土搅拌桩加锚杆基坑围护结构是一种基坑支护新工艺。
- Deep soil movement monitoring is a very important task during the excavation and sustainment of large foundation pit. 摘要在基坑开挖和支护过程中深部土体的水平位移监测是一项十分重要的工作。
- The groundwater control is the key technique of the construction of large deep foundation pit. 地下水控制是大型深基坑工程中的关键技术。
- This techmique is widely used to reinforce subgrade,pile foundation and supporting of deep foundation pit. 广泛应用于地基加固,桩基础,深基坑支护等方面。
- This paper introduces an example of a foundation pit engineering in Wuhan using shotcrete-bolting-mesh support. 摘要本文介绍了武汉某基坑工程成功采用喷锚网支护的实例。
- The author introduce the application of cement mixing pile and composite soil nailing wall in a foundation pit. 通过搅拌桩喷锚复合土钉墙支护在某基坑的应用实例分析,介绍搅拌桩加喷锚复合土钉墙的施工工艺及应用效果。
- This structure of soil nailing wall of this kind was successfully used in one foundation pit in Beijing. 水泥土搅拌桩加锚杆基坑围护结构是一种基坑支护新工艺。
- Combined with a case and compared to many kinds of schemes, the optimum design of large-scale deep foundation pit is presented in this paper. 结合工程实例,通过各种方案比较,阐述了深大基坑的优化设计。