- The villagers braced themselves for a possible flood. 村民们作了可能发生洪水泛滥的防备。
- They braced themselves against the wind. 他们顶着大风站稳。
- They braced themselves behind the gun. 三个人在炮后死死顶住。
- People living in coastal areas braced themselves for the typhoon. 台风锻炼了住在海边的人们。
- Union members braced themselves for a confrontation with management. 工会成员做好了一切准备以对付管理阶层
- New Yorkers initially braced themselves for another terrorist attack. 纽约人原本以为他们面临着又一次恐怖袭击。
- Eg. Union members braced themselves for a confrontation with management. 工会成员做好了一切准备以对付管理阶层。
- They leaned into the door as if against a wind, and braced themselves. 他们靠着大门,像在抵挡一阵大风,极力保持着平衡。
- Northern Ireland households have been warned to brace themselves for an expected hike in energy prices. 北爱尔兰的住户已得到警告,要振奋精神,为自己的预期上涨的能源价格。
- They stayed there. They held each other. They leaned into the door as if against a wind, and braced themselves. 他们呆在那。他们拥抱着彼此。他们倚靠着门就好象正抵挡着一阵大风,竭力稳住了自己。
- Her husband, David, held her hand as they braced themselves for the latest news. 她的丈夫,戴维,握着她的手,一起等待最新的消息。
- While one aide stood behind to assist him with English, the other two braced themselves against the wall, and Hambleton realized they were bodyguards. 一个随从站在身后帮助他说英语。另外两个靠墙站着,汉布尔顿明白,他们是随身警卫。
- But bonus-flush traders tempted by the auto show offerings should brace themselves for some bad news. 然而,被车展吸引至此、拥有大笔奖金的交易员们,也会听到一些坏消息。
- If the plan does go ahead, those south of the border will brace themselves for change at home. 如果计划实施顺利,那么南方沿海地区的酒鬼们的生活就将发生变化。
- Western politicians should brace themselves for more talk of economic power drifting inexorably to the East. 关于经济力量不可阻挡的东迁之势,西方政客们也该促膝长谈了。
- The villagers of Oostduinkerke and the Belgian establishment braced themselves for the possibility that Irma Laplasse might be found not guilty posthumously. 有可能在艾尔玛死后定她无罪。对此,奥斯特敦克尔克城的村民和比利时当权机构团结一致,准备应付这一不利局面。
- The misquoted news saw speculation rise and talk of the Blues having to brace themselves for a mega-bid from Madrid soon materialised. 这条被传走样的新闻引起了广泛的关注。甚至有消息称,蓝军不久即将以天价出售巴拉克。
- They are bracing themselves for a long legal battle. 他们在为漫长的法律诉讼做准备。
- On a typical weekday evening in downtown Washington recently, motorists inched along in stop-and-go traffic, pedestrians braced themselves against a blustery wind, trying to make their way home. 最近某个平常的工作日夜晚,华盛顿市中心的车辆艰难地往前挪动,行人们努力在大风中站稳,费劲地往家中走去。
- The bankers and lawyers who work on deals braced themselves for hangovers.But instead, glasses were refilled, the music cranked up and the guests were invited to dance through the night. 这一段话虽然字面含义翻译出来了;但是引伸义却感觉很模糊......汗;是不是说兼并案例一直不断;因此也庆祝不断?