- bps byte per second 字节/秒
- For analog devices, bandwidth is then described in terms of cycles per second, or Hertz. b (Bit), Bps (Bytes Per Second), or bps (Bits Per Second). 主要考察指标:尺寸、分辨率、可视角度、对比度、亮度、响应时间、色彩饱和度。
- Number of bytes per second printed on a print queue. 在打印列队上每秒打印的字节数。
- This counter reports the number of bytes per second received over the network by Service Broker endpoints and Database Mirroring endpoints. 此计数器报告每秒通过网络由Service Broker端点和数据库镜像端点接收的字节数。
- This counter reports the number of bytes per second sent over the network by Service Broker endpoints and Database Mirroring endpoints. 此计数器报告Service Broker端点和数据库镜像端点每秒通过网络传送的字节数。
- Throughput of read and write operations (in bytes per second) for a backup device used when backing up or restoring databases. 一个备份设备在备份或还原数据库时所用的读写操作的吞吐量(以每秒字节数表示)。
- It travels thousands of miles per second. 它一秒钟能走几千英里。
- A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. 赫兹频率的单位,等于每秒一周
- byte per second 字节秒
- The velocity of light is about 186,000 miles per second. 光速大约是每秒十八万六千英里。
- Middle C is equivalent to 256 vibrations per second. 中央C音相当於每秒钟振动256次。
- Baud Rate The speed of data transmission in serial data communications approximately equal to the number of code elements (bits) per second (BPS). 波特率串行数据传输速率,约等于每秒钟传输的比特数。
- The number of bytes per second from this flow which have been sent 每秒钟从这个流量中发送的字节数
- He told me that middle C is equivalent to 256 vibrations per second. 他告诉我说中央C音相当于每秒振动256次。
- Every pump draws8 cubic metres of water per second. 每一台抽水机每秒钟可以抽8立方米的水。
- There is a very big data buffer, 20M Byte in total (10M Byte per Channel), in the system, which is designed with DRAM. 系统20MByte的大容量数据缓冲区(每通道10MByte),由动态存储器(DRAM)构成。
- Bps Bits per second a way of quantifying data transmission throughput. It is the number of pieces of information (bits) transmitted or received per second. 比特秒:一种量化数据传输吞吐量的方法。它是指每秒传输或接收的信息段的数量(比特)。
- In very simple color display modes, a single pixel of a bitmap can be represented by 256 different colors; therefore, one byte per pixel is needed. 在非常简单的彩色显示模式下,位图中的一个像素点可用256种不同的颜色表示;每个像素需要用一个字节。
- Light travels about 300,000 kilometers per second. 光的速度大约每秒三十万公里。
- Bytes received from modem per second. 每秒从调制解调器接收的字节数。