- bowsprit manrope 艏斜桁扶索
- The part of a bowsprit that is inside the hull. 船首斜桅部分位于船壳内部的船首斜桅部分。
- The bowsprit was undamaged, but loose at the heel. 在船首斜桅被损坏,但松散的致命弱点。
- A rope or chain used to steady the bowsprit of a ship. 船头斜桅支索使船头平稳的绳索或链子
- Bowsprit Topsail: The topsail is bent to the bowsprit topsail yard. 船首斜桅上桅帆:在船首斜桅上桅帆桁上弧形的上桅帆。
- A small sloop with a mainsail, jib, and keel but no bowsprit. 单桅帆船有一个主帆、三角帆和龙骨但没有船首斜桁的单桅小帆船
- Bowsprit Side view of the bowsprit in work progress, not finished. 制作中的船首斜桅侧视图,尚未完成。
- A sailor stands on the 'widow-maker' -- or bowsprit of his yacht. 一个航海者站在“寡妇制造者”上-或叫船桅。
- The martingale guy was snapped at the base near the bowsprit cap. 鞅家伙是结束在基地附近的船首斜桅帽。
- A stay extending from the head of the foremast to the bowsprit of a ship. 前桅支索从前桅顶部拉到轮船的第一斜桅的绳索或钢丝
- Bowsprit Blocks: Shows the heart block, where the Fore-main stay will connect. 船首斜桅滑轮:心状滑轮,连接前主系留。
- I was on the summit of one swell when the schooner came stooping over the next. The bowsprit was over my head. 就在我处于一个大浪的顶峰时,大船也正好俯身越过另一个大浪,船首的第一根斜桅恰好在我的正上方。
- The Hispaniola rolled steadily, dipping her bowsprit nod and then with a whiff of spray. 西斯潘尼奥拉号稳稳地向前驶去,船首的斜桅杆不时被一阵飞溅的浪花打湿。
- Bowsprit Topsail Yard: Shows the top of the bowsprit, shrouds, foot ropes, lift blocks, sheave hole. 首斜桅上桅帆桁:显示了船首斜桅,上下连接索,脚绳,升降滑轮,滑轮洞。
- One of two spars or booms projecting from the side of a bowsprit for spreading the jib or flying-jib guys. 左右撑杆从船首斜桁侧边支出的两根圆杆或桅桁下的一根,用于展开三角帆或伸开三角帆的绳索
- Jones closed on his enemy and lashed the Richard's bowsprit to the mizzenmast of the Serapis. 琼斯开船靠近敌舰,把船头斜桅和塞拉皮斯号尾桅绑在一起,两艘战船互相轰击。
- Bowsprit Blocks Side view of the bowsprit: Shows the Fore Mast stay block, and the bobstay blocks. 船首斜桅的滑轮侧视图:显示了前桅系留滑轮和斜桅支索滑轮。
- Bowsprit Top: Close-up of the bowsprit top, this is where the bowsprit shrouds will be attached to the dead-eyes. 船首斜桅桅楼:船首斜桅桅楼的近摄,船首斜桅索将附着在“死眼”。
- Spritsail Yard Blocks: This photo shows under the spritsail yard and the blocks stropped over the yard and bowsprit. 斜桁帆桁滑轮:照片显示斜桁帆桁的下方,环绕其上的滑轮和船首斜桅。
- Spritsail Yard top view of the bowsprit and spritsail yard blocks, almost ready to be rigged. 船首斜桅的顶视图和斜桁帆桁滑轮,方便装配帆和索具。