- Do you have a bowel movement today? 你今天上过厕所吗?
- A bodily injury, irritation, or trauma. 身体的损伤,发炎或损伤
- bowel trauma 肠道损伤
- Bowel or omentum may herniate alongside the drain. 肠管或网膜可能沿引流物疝出。
- Small bowel intussuception may require resection. 小肠肠套叠需做肠切除术。
- To subject to psychological trauma. 使受到心理创伤
- He submerged the cups in the bowel. 他把杯子都放在了水盆之中。
- He has noticed some blood in his bowel movements. 他发觉大便时有些血。
- It's the deepest trauma of our existence. 这在我们的生命史上是最惨重的一次打击了。
- His bowel movements are grey /black in colour. 他的大便呈灰白色。
- I'm not having a brain trauma, am I, doctor? 医生,我是不是脑部生瘤呢?
- Do the bruises occur spontaneously or after trauma? 这些紫斑是自发的还是受伤后出现的?
- I don't want to know about Kate's bowel movements. 我不想知道凯特肠子蠕动的情形。
- I have irregular bowel movement . 我不按时通便。
- I'm not having a brain trauma,am I,doctor? 医生,我是不是脑部生瘤呢?
- I haven't had bowel movement for a week. 我已一个礼拜无法通便了。
- I've lost my bowel control for a few days. 我腹泻了好几天。
- The patient suffered severe brain trauma. 患者的大脑受到严重损伤。
- This prevents bowel perforation. 这样可以防止肠道穿孔。
- Abstinence frees you from the trauma of abortion. 节制使你免受流产的痛苦。