- That's why we call it bourgeois liberalization. 所以我们用反对资产阶级自由化这个提法。
- The opposite of the four principles is bourgeois liberalization. 四个坚持的对立面是资产阶级自由化。
- But the struggle against bourgeois liberalization has not ended. 但是,反对资产阶级自由化的斗争还没有结束。
- Bourgeois liberalization would plunge the country into turmoil once more. 如果搞资产阶级自由化,就是再来一次折腾。
- We must continue to stress the need to combat bourgeois liberalization. 反对资产阶级自由化还是要讲。
- The struggle against bourgeois liberalization will last for at least 20 years. 反对资产阶级自由化至少还要搞二十年。
- The rampant spread of bourgeois liberalization may have grave consequences. 资产阶级自由化泛滥,后果极其严重。
- If China allowed bourgeois liberalization, there would inevitably be turmoil. 如果中国搞资产阶级自由化,那末肯定会有动乱
- The ideals of the exponents of bourgeois liberalization are different from ours. 搞资产阶级自由化的人提出的理想与我们的不同。
- We have already coped with the recent widespread ideological trend in favour of bourgeois liberalization and made some changes of personnel. 我们已经解决了最近发生的资产阶级自由化思潮泛滥的问题,并且作了人事调整。
- People who advocate bourgeois liberalization hope that the mainland will become capitalist or "totally Westernized". 有资产阶级自由化思想的人希望中国大陆变成资本主义,叫做“全盘西化”。
- The few intellectuals who incited the students to action oppose the socialist system and advocate bourgeois liberalization. 少数知识分子煽动学生闹事,他们的主张实际上是反对社会主义制度,搞资产阶级自由化。
- It is essential to adhere firmly to the Four Cardinal Principles; otherwise bourgeois liberalization will spread unchecked -- and that has been the root cause of the problem. 要旗帜鲜明地坚持四项基本原则,否则就是放任了资产阶级自由化,问题就出在这里。
- I said that we would have to combat bourgeois liberalization not only now but for the next 10 to 20 years. 当时我说,反对资产阶级自由化不仅现在要讲,而且还要讲十年到二十年。
- A few persons who have advocated bourgeois liberalization and violated state law have been dealt with according to law. 我们依法处理过几个人,他们的问题实际上是搞自由化并且触犯了刑律。
- We must firmly oppose propaganda in favour of bourgeois liberalization, that is, in favour of the capitalist road. 资产阶级自由化的宣传,也就是走资本主义道路的宣传,一定要坚决反对。
- If we don't nip bourgeois liberalization in the bud, we may find ourselves in trouble. 在苗头出现时不注意,就会出事。
- Since opposition to bourgeois liberalization is a long-term task, we are not going to launce a political movement but to rely on education. 但是我们着重在教育。这是长期的任务,不采取运动的方式来处理。
- Of course,the struggle against bourgeois liberalization involves a long-term process of education. 当然,反对资产阶级自由化是一个长期教育的问题,同四个现代化建设将是并行的。
- The fact that corruption has become such a serious problem is related to their failure to resolutely combat bourgeois liberalization. 腐败现象很严重,这同不坚决反对资产阶级自由化有关系。