- The bounding of planning economy 计划经济的束缚
- This is an advantage of planned economy. 这是计划经济的一个优越之处。
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is health agency coming from health quarantine station founded in the period of planning economy. 疾病预防控制中心(简称CDC)是由我国计划经济时期的卫生防疫站分化而形成的卫生机构,主要承担疾病预防控制、卫生检测和部分卫生行政职能。
- The specialty system is actually a product of planned economy. 专业制实际上是计划经济的产物。
- Circumstances have compelled a change of plan. 因情况所迫,计划已经改变。
- The education relation of our country established on the basis of plan and administrative orders in the period of planned economy,so it was political and administrative. 我国的教育关系在计划经济时代是以计划、行政命令为基础的教育关系,这一关系具有政治化、行政化的色彩;
- The lack of plan leads to overproduction of cars. 缺乏计划导致汽车生产过剩。
- The administrative regulatory regime of Chinese TV play comes from the administration of planned economy. 我国电视剧行政管理体制一直沿袭着与计划经济相应的管理方式。
- However, existing system changes still did not exceed the atmosphere of planned economy, unalterable rich.. 然而,现有的制度变迁仍未超出计划经济的氛围,并不能改变自然资源...
- Of planned economy times " eat mess, drink caldron water " malpractice is exposed with each passing day come out. 计划经济时代的“吃大锅饭,喝大锅水”的弊端日渐暴露出来。
- The present monopolization system in cigarette industry reveals a very strong sense of planned economy. 我国烟草行业现行的专卖制度,带有较重的计划经济色彩。
- Everybody is pissed off (with all the changes of plan). 大家(对计划的诸多变动)均感厌烦。
- However, in the practices of our different grades of government, there are still traces of planned economy. 我国各级政府在农业结构调整中还存在运用计划经济手段的倾向。
- Their change of plan is strange but I don't think it's significant. 很奇怪他们改变了计划,但我觉得没有什么用处。
- Andrew Walder's Theory of Neo-Traditionalism provided us a new paradigm to study China's factories and politics in the era of planned economy. 摘要华尔德的“新传统主义”理论为研究中国单位制度建立了新的范式,奠定了研究计划时期中国大陆工厂与政治的基础。
- All your changes of plan have made me totally confused. 你把计划改来改去,我都糊涂了。
- The inflexible approach of the time of planned economy, which was controlling, blocking and suppressing, should have been abandoned already. 管卡压这种计划经济时代的生硬手段早就该废除。
- During the period of planned economy, CFAM was a "big brother" in-Aluminium Material industry, and made a lot of great contribution to the country. 计划经济时期,一铝为国防、民生等各行业做出巨大贡献,成为铝加工业的“龙头老大”。
- We have abandoned the traditional model of planned economy and a socialist market economic structure with the Chinese characteristics is gradually taking shape. 我们摆脱了传统的计划经济模式,一个有中国特色的社会主义市场经济体制正在逐步形成。
- Originality outcrops in the course of planning. 创造能力在拟定计划的过程中显露出来。