- bounded metric space 有界度量空间
- totally bounded metric space 完全有界度量空间
- In finite dimensional space form a bounded open domain, we study some open convex subsets and it's topology, then give a complete metric space. 摘要考虑了在有限维空间中包含在某一有界开区域中的所有有界开凸子集所成空间上的拓扑,给出了一个相关的完备的度量空间。
- By the parametric representation, fuzzy number means a bounded continuous curve in the two-dimensional metric space R2, so that it is easy to analyze fuzzy differential equations. 在此参数表示下,模糊数可直接视为二维度量空间R2中的有界连续曲线,这给分析模糊微分方程带来了便利。
- Does research in a common fixed point theorem of fuzzy mappings in inequality conditions and the cut set is the nonempty closed bounded subsets of,while is complete metric space. 研究了在完备度量空间中一对模糊映象满足一些特定不等式条件,以及当其截集是中非空有界闭集时,该对模糊映象的公共不动点的存在性问题。
- Logical metric space is an importent frame in approximate reasoning. 摘要逻辑度量空间是近似推理的重要框架。
- Let A(u),u U be perturbation subests of a linear metric space E and C(u), U be perturbation comex cones of E . 设A(u),uU,是线性度量空间E中的受扰动的非空子集。 C(u),uE从是E中受优动的凸锥。
- Methods The commutative condition of selfmapping pairs are applied in metric space. 方法利用度量空间中自映象对的可交换性条件。
- Aim In order to develop and improve the fixed point theorem in metric space and extend the application. 摘要目的为了进一步发展和完善度量空间中的不动点理论,扩展不动点定理的应用范围。
- Metric space is a specific topological space, and it is an important process to understand topological space. 摘要度量空间是一类特殊的拓扑空间,并且它是理解拓扑空间的一个重要过程。
- In section 2.2, it is proved that if an expansive homeomorphism of a compact metric space have the POTP, then it has the POTP in its basic sets. 2节证明了:对于紧致度量空间上的自同胚,若它有伪轨跟踪性且是膨胀的,则它在链分支上保持伪轨跟踪性。
- The reals are a contractible (hence connected and simply connected), separable metric space of dimension 1, and are everywhere dense. 由于实数集中只有可数集个数的元素可能是代数数,绝大多数实数是超越数。
- It is proved that a homeomorphism on a compact metric space with the average shadowing property has only one chain component which is the whole space. 证明了紧致度量空间上具有平均伪轨跟踪性质的同胚只有一个链分支,这个链分支就是全空间。
- The fixed point theorems on a class of contraction mappings on the metric space is proved,which contain Matkowski's,Boyd and Wong's,Dugundji and Granas' fixed point theorems. 证明了度量空间中一类收缩映像的不动点定理,它包含Matkowski不动点定理、Boyd-Wong不动点定理及Dugundji-Granas不动点定理
- Results Three selfmappings theorem of existing and unique of common fixed point were buit, a new theorem of common fixed point in compact metric space was obtained. 结果建立了紧度量空间中3个自映象的公共不动点的存在性和唯一性定理,得到了一个新的公共不动点定理。
- In this paper, common fixed point theorems for converse commuting selfmaps on a metric space have been proved. The theorems are different from the related results. 摘要通过引入度量空间中的反交换映射,证明了一个公共不动点定理。这一结果不同于相关的文献。
- Carisiti's coincidence theorems for fuzzy mappings in probabilistic metric space is given. The main theorems improve and generalize the corresponding results. 给出概率度量空间中模糊影射的克里斯蒂重合定理;这些结果提高和推广了相应的结果.
- Bind down the ropes around the load on the lorry. 把绕在卡车上货物外面的绳子扎紧。
- She had her hair bound up in a neckerchief. 她把头发用围巾包起来。
- The existence of fixed points and approximate fixed points of a commutative family of nonexpansive maps and of continuous map in hyperconvex metric space is discussed. 研究超凸空间中非扩张映象及连续映象的不动点、近似不动点的存在性,推广了部分现有的结果。