- Dried Beef Dried beef if made from the de-fatted round separated into the top round, bottom round with eye muscle, and sirloin tip. 干腌牛肉干腌牛肉是由不含脂肪的牛腿肉和后腰通脊肉做成,牛腿肉会被分成上部后腿肉和有精肉的底部后腿肉。
- They sent the enemy ship to the bottom of the sea. 他们把敌舰击沉。
- The child was sitting on the bottom stair. 那孩子正坐在楼梯最下面的一级上。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- I intend to get to the bottom of it. 这件事我打算寻根究底。
- A creeper was entwined round the pillar. 一根攀缘植物缠绕在柱子上。
- He was always bottom of the class in maths. 他的数学成绩在班上总是垫底。
- The dregs have settled at the bottom of the bottle. 渣滓都沉到瓶底了。
- I can give you a round neckline if you prefer. 如果您喜欢我可以给您开个圆领口。
- The putty gives a good seal round the window. 窗户四周泥的油灰密封效果很好。
- I fell right to the bottom of the stairs. 我从楼梯上一直摔到楼梯下面。
- Can you swing them round to my point of view? 你能让他们转而支持我的观点吗?
- The police found a body at the bottom of the lake. 警方在湖底发现了一具尸体。
- I'll send the maid round to carry it to your house. 我将派女仆把它送到你家去。
- His bottom waggle in a funny way when he walk. 他走路时臀部扭来扭去,很可笑。
- We can get six people round this table at a pinch. 必要时这张桌子可以坐六个人。
- We got knocked out of the Cup in the first round. 我们在锦标赛的第一轮比赛中就被淘汰了。
- The bottom of the boat was rusty. 船底生锈了。
- A moth was fluttering round the lamp. 有一只蛾子扑打著翅膀绕著灯飞。
- There is a pair of scissors in the bottom drawer. 最底下的抽屉里有把剪刀。