- Assemble module adaptor hand tight to bottom half. 安装模块适配器,用手将其紧固在下半部地方。
- He's in the bottom half of the class. 他在班上的名次位于后一半。
- The number of paged allocations are in the bottom half of this word. 这个词的一半位于底部的分页分配数。
- Bottom half of another "red Derby," Safina beat 6 7 5 Lectra Kuznetsova. 下半区的另一场“红粉德比”中,萨芬娜直落两盘6比4、7比5力克库兹涅佐娃。
- Scheme defines a list as being either the null list or a pair whose bottom half is a list. Scheme将一个列表定义为一个空列表,或者是一个下半部分为某个列表的pair。
- This means that the bottom half of a pair used in a list will always point to a list. 这意味着列表中使用的pair的下半部分将始终指向一个列表。
- Last week my top half was on the Discovery channel. And my bottom half was on Animal Planet. 上周我的上半身在探索频道,下半身在动物星球。
- The top half of the Earth is the Northern Hemisphere, and the bottom half of the Earth is the Southern Hemisphere. 地球的上半部分是北半球,下半部分是南半球。
- Nonetheless, the beneficiaries were generally from the bottom half of the population in terms of income. 然而,按实际收入来说,受益者一般是下层人口。
- In a box in the bottom half of the task pane, the column headings from your data file are listed. 在任务窗格下半部的框中,列出了您的数据文件中的列标题。
- The bottom half of the SS7 protocol consists of the Message Transfer Part (MTP). SS7 协议的下半部分由消息传送部分 (MTP) 组成。
- He played the field in the top of the eighth inning but came out for the bottom half. 他第八局上半上场守备但是下半场就没上场打击了。
- The bottom half of the road experiences tension, meaning that it elongates like a spring pulled apart. 路的上半部分经历拉紧,意味着它要像被拉长的弹簧一样伸长。
- For example, the bottom half of Swedes have a collective net worth of less than zero. 例如,在瑞典,处于社会底层的人群中,有一半人的净资产已经为负。
- Pictured above, it is the top part of Dione that appears significantly more cratered than the bottom half. 上面的影像,是土卫四顶部,看上去陨石坑比底部多。
- The recent downturn of the state tournament No. 2 seed Ana Ivanovic of Serbia girl was among the bottom half. 而近期状态低迷的大赛2号种子、塞尔维亚美少女伊万诺维奇则位列下半区。
- Machined from metal and unique in that the shock bodies only open on the bottom half, they are really simple to assemble. 从金属加工和独特的在这方面的冲击机构的开放时间只是对底部的一半,他们实在是简单的组装。
- SSE Composite Index yesterday at 1950 points around the bottom half, a downswing in the afternoon, and finally climbed up to close at 60 on average. 昨日上证综指在1950点下方徘徊半日后,午后出现逆转,并在最终收盘时攀上60日均线。
- So the two sections separate mid-way and both are unstable.The bottom half goes into a corkscrew and then fades to darkness. 一方面,在笔者询问的不少高校教师中,都表示不知道本校的领导人是谁。
- He Hanbin / Yu Yang is very likely from the bottom half out, the potential semi-final opponents England will be the combination of Clark / Kellogg. 何汉斌/于洋有很大可能从下半区杀出,半决赛的潜在对手将是英格兰组合克拉克/克洛格。