- I don't talk with my boss about my private matters. 我不和我的老板谈私事。
- I advised my boss about the company policy. 我针对公司的政策向老板提了些建议。
- I used to advise my boss about the problem. 我曾经向老板建议过这个问题。
- I'll speak to the boss about a pay rise for you. 我要请求老板为我加工资。
- You should tell the boss about it. 你应该跟老板说。
- They grumbled at the boss about their wages. 他们向老板抱怨工资的事。
- Have you told the boss about this? 你告诉了老板这个事吗?
- I was notified by my boss about my promotion. 我的老板通知我升职了。
- He squabbled with his boss about who would pay the bill. 他与老板就付帐问题发生争吵。
- Have you approached the boss about taking a day off next week? 你跟老板谈过你下星期要请假一天的事吗?
- I do not talk with my boss about my private matters. 我不和我的老板谈私事。
- I had a long talk with my boss about my career prospects. 我和老板就我的事业前景进行了一次长谈。
- She's quarreling with her boss about her bread and butter. 她因她的面包和黄油与老板吵架。正:她因自己的生计/饭碗与老板吵架。
- Father had an interview with the boss about my work. 父亲就我的工作情况和老板进行了一次面谈。
- My secretary went over my head and complained to my boss about me. 我的秘书越过我而向我的老板抱怨我的不是。
- Let me check with my boss about the convenient time. 我来问一下老板什么时候方便。
- Beth : I will talk to the boss about making an evacuation plan. 贝思:我会告诉我们老板关于进行逃生训练的事。
- They are quarrelling with their boss about their pay. 他们正在为工资的事情和老板吵架。
- I talked to my boss about you, but he said he has found a secretary. 我跟我的老板介绍了你,可是他说他已经聘到秘书了。
- You tell the boss about the mistake; I'm not going to put my head on the block! 你去把差错告诉老板,我可不打算自投罗网。