- Has he given back the tools he borrowed from you? 他向你借的那些工具归还了没有?
- I only borrowed the book; it's not my own. 这本书是借来的,不是我自己的。
- We must obey the statutes in this country. 我们必须遵守这个国家的法规。
- He has ever so much money lying by. Borrow some. 他有很多钱放着不用。向他借点吧。
- She'll let you borrow the car if you twist her arm. 你要是硬要她把汽车借给你,她就借给你。
- I borrowed a dictionary from him. 我找他借了本字典。
- I borrowed from the library a primer of phonetics. 我从图书馆借了一本语音学入门书。
- How much have you borrowed from him? 你向他借了多少钱?
- I borrowed this novel from the school library. 我从学校的图书馆借来这本小说。
- I borrowed the money at 5% interest. 我以五分利息借了那笔钱。
- Some of his ideas were borrowed from other sources. 他的某些见解是从别处借用来的。
- These words were borrowed from French. 这几个字是从法语引进的。
- The Union's statutes forbade them from holding high office. 工会章程禁止他们担任高级公职。
- He uses his house as security to borrow the money. 他用房子作借钱的抵押。
- He makes it a rule never to borrow money. 他无论如何也不向别人借钱。
- He had the crust to ask to borrow my new car! 他竟有脸借我的新车!
- May I borrow your roller skates? 我可以借你的旱冰鞋吗?
- He had lost his case and had to borrow Tom's pyjamas. 他丢失了手提箱,不得不向汤姆借睡衣。
- The money he borrowed carried him through to the end of month. 借来的钱使他支撑到月底。
- Do you really seek His statutes"? 你真的在寻求?的律例吗?