- In-bore abnormal phenomenon test and measurement is not only a significant ordnance test technique, but also an important method for the investigation of bore premature. 膛内异常现象探测技术是备受国内外兵器界关注的一项兵器实验测试技术,也是进行膛炸事故调查的一种重要实验测试手段。
- Babies born premature, small or with a low birth weight had a reduced risk for rheumatoid arthritis, but the researchers do not know why, Carlens added. 而早产儿、出生时体形小或体重轻的人,患类风湿性关节炎的几率较低,但研究者尚未发现原因所在。
- It is a long-time dream for scientists to produce a kind of high-speed gun, which need no gunpowder and would not bore prematurely. 很早以前,科学家们就设想发明一种不用火药且不会发生膛炸的高速炮。
- She was born prematurely with poorly developed lungs. 她早产, 肺部未发育健全。
- Our torpedo boats bore down on the enemy cruiser. 我方面鱼雷艇向敌巡洋舰冲去。
- An enemy frigate bore down on the sloop. 一艘敌驱逐舰向这只护航舰逼过来。
- The baby was five weeks premature. 这个孩子是提早五周生下来的。
- He ventured a premature opinion at the meeting. 他在会上大胆发表了一个不成熟的意见。
- She was a bit too premature in giving up this job. 她放弃这份工作似嫌太草率。
- Premature babies are kept alive in incubators. 早产婴儿放在保温箱里保育。
- This disease produces premature aging of the brain. 这种疾病使大脑过早衰老。
- He bore down as he approached the finish line. 接近终点线时,他拼尽全力加速。
- Our soldiers bore away the palm in the battle. 我们的战士赢得了这场战斗。
- His wife later bore a son and a daughter. 他的妻子后来生了一男一女。
- The female dog bore five whelps. 母狗生了五只小狗。
- This document bore his signature. 这份文件上有他的签名。
- It seems so absurd to bear malice after all that. 经过这一切之后还抱有怨恨情绪是很荒谬的。
- His faithful pet dog bore him company. 他那忠实的爱犬给他做伴。
- Seven who hold the sceptre shall perish, one of them being canonised. The bellies of mothers shall be cut open, and babies will be born prematurely. 七个持有节杖的会毁灭,他们中的其中一位会被封为圣人。母亲的信仰会公开起来,婴儿会过早地出生。
- In 1948 repeated interrogations by the secret police in late pregnancy cost the life of her second child, born prematurely. 1948年,由于秘密警察不断审问,进入怀孕晚期的她失去了第二个孩子。