- borduaux turpentine [机] 枣红松节油, 法国松节油
- Turpentine can be used in medicine. 松节油可药用。
- Most paints reduce with turpentine. 许多油漆可用松节油稀释。
- The firs perspire a fine balsam of turpentine. 冷杉分泌出一种质地优良的松树胶。
- Guangxi Wuzhou turpentine share Ltd. 梧州松脂股份有限公司。
- Then why my horse died after taking the turpentine? 那我的马吃了松节油怎么死了?
- To extract turpentine from(a tree. 从(树上)提取松脂
- To extract turpentine from(a tree). 从(树上)提取松脂
- Her suggestion that he try thinning the paint with turpentine. 她叫他不妨试试用松节油稀释油漆的建议。
- Such organic solvent as turpentine, gasoline and acetone etc. 松节油、汽油、丙酮有机溶液。
- A half - and - half mixtureof linseed oil and turpentine. 亚麻籽油和松节油两种成分各占一半的混合物。
- That paint won't come off your hands unless you use turpentine. (除非你用松香油,否则你手上的油漆除不掉。)
- The ancient Egyptians could make glass, tile, turpentine, soap and dyes. 古埃及人制造了玻璃、瓷砖、松脂、肥皂和染料。
- There came wine from Burgundy, turpentine from the Baltic and oil from Greece. 那里有来自勃艮第的葡萄酒、勃罗的海的松节油以及希腊的石油。
- Metal parts were cleaned with turpentine and painted in plain black. 我使用松脂将金属部分漆成黑色。
- Synthesis of juvenile hormone analogs(JHA)from turpentine oil was reviewed. 对松节油合成保幼激素类似物(JHA)的研究进展进行了综述。
- California evergreen having a fruit resembling a nutmeg but with a strong turpentine flavor. 加州一种果实类似于肉豆蔻的常绿树种,有强烈的松脂味道。
- The sticky mixture of resin and volatile oil from which turpentine is distilled. 松油树指松腊和易挥发的油的粘稠的混和物,松节油就是从中蒸馏出来的
- At the same time, the quality of the Honduras rosin and turpentine were improved by the authors. 同时,对质量较差的洪都拉斯松香和松节油产品作了改进,达到中国同类产品的特级标准。
- Paint is the solute and turpentine is the solvent when paint is dissolved in turpentine. 油漆溶于松节油时,油漆是溶质,松节油就是溶剂。