- borderless easel 无边界框
- He went round from easel to easel. 他一个画架一个画架来回转悠。
- And then she?s at her easel by 5:30. 她一幅幅栩栩如生的画作,包括人物俏像,动物,风景以及宗教题材等。
- I'll just set up my 3)easel and 4)canvas. 等我把画架架起来,把画布镶好。
- He paused in the middle of folding up his easel. 他画架收到一半,却停了下来。
- Resize Borderless Window - Resize a window without a border. 重设没有边界的窗口的大小。
- I took it from the easel and held it up to the windows. 我把画从画架上取下来,把它举到窗户前。
- This is a well designed easel which folds up quickly and neatly. 这个画架设计得很好, 可以迅速而整齐地折叠起来。
- In the good weather there was always an artist with his easel. 天好时总有个艺术家带着画架来。
- It's easier to paint if you put the canvas on an easel. 如果你将画布放在画架上,作画会更容易。
- This persistence is related to a sense of ritual in easel painting. 这种固守是和架上绘画的仪式感分不开的。
- Chisel, easel and co.Check if you are an expert in art vocabulary. 在国际市场上享有声誉,是每位企业家对自己产品的期望。
- Borderless lives falling down and down endless Rivers rolling on and on. 无边落木潇潇下,不尽长江滚滚来。
- You can either use a table and prop your board somewhat, or an upright easel. 您能或使用表和扶植,或一个挺直画架。
- His studio was a smallish upstairs bedroom;it didn't even have an easel. 画室在楼上的房间,有点小,连画架也没有。
- He's slowly painting a picture on an easel that's facing away from you. 他(德隆)在离你很远的地方在一个画架上神情自若地、慢慢地画著一幅画。
- At the same time, it oppugned on trueness which was pursued by Easel Art. 同时,也对“架上艺术”所追求的“真实”提出了质疑。
- Borderless trade,coupled with global financial integration,has created an efficient world market. 商贸无国界,加上全球金融一体化,于是创造了一个效率超卓的世界市场。
- Borderless Screen An anti-scratch screen surface that extends to the very edges. 无边屏幕。防划屏幕表面覆盖到屏框。
- NYK's integration of global logistics and megacarrier capabihties opens fresh vistas on the borderless society. NYK将全球性的物流网络与4百万吨级的运载能力结合在一起,为无疆界大同社会的来临开辟了崭新的前景。