- Ninth-year of Emperor Daoguang (in 1829 AD) set up the Dan Geer Office which is the border county of the government system, its Chief called TongZhi or Tongpan, reported to Xining. 清道光九年公元1829年设丹葛尔厅,为清代在边疆设定的县级政权建制,其长官为知府之佐官同知或通判,吏属西宁府。
- Ruoergai southwest Sichuan border counties for rural Kyrgyzstan, separated from the northern town of Xinhuahu tou shan Ga neighbors. 西南与四川若尔盖县求吉乡接壤,北方电尕镇隔虎头山为邻。
- The question of the native inbabitants and the settlers. There is another peculiar feature in the border counties,namely,the rift between the native inhabitants and the settlers. 土客籍问题:边界各县还有一件特别的事,就是土客籍的界限。
- This is a Qing Dynasty poet marble shaft described Zhao Park Field (now Eryuan, Yongping, Yunlong, Juglans four border counties) Tage night of the touching scene. 这是清代大理诗人赵朴描写箭杆场(即今洱源、永平、云龙、漾濞四个县交界地带)通宵达旦踏歌的动人情景。
- Yingjiang Chonju area is the most wide, the largest dam, longest border counties, Ancient Silk Road south of the main exit channel, Guan Ming ancient ruins to come back. 盈江是全州面积最宽、坝子最大,国境线最长的县,古代南方丝绸之路的主要出境通道,明代古关遗址故地。
- The question of the native inbabitants and the settlers. There is another peculiar feature in the border counties, namely, the rift between the native inhabitants and the settlers. 土客籍问题:边界各县还有一件特别的事,就是土客籍的界限。
- A series of provocations led up to the border war. 一系列的挑衅事件导致了边境战争的发生。
- I lost a white handkerchief with a blue border. 我丢了一块带蓝色花边的白手绢。
- The army harried the enemy's border. 军队不断地袭扰敌方的边境。
- He is the best bow in the county. 他是乡下最好的射手。
- He was arrested by guards at the border crossing. 他在越境地点被卫兵逮捕。
- He runs a factory in that county. 他在那个国家建了一个工厂。
- How many countries border Switzerland? 有多少国家与瑞士接壤?
- A narrow border, molding, or fillet. 扁带饰窄条,装饰用嵌线或窄带
- He was elected sheriff of the county. 他被选为县警长。
- He has a large property in the county. 他在这个县有一大片地产。
- Border was (brilliantly) run out by Botham for 41. 博德获41分後,博瑟姆一个漂亮球把他杀出局了。
- The soil in that county is very poor. 那个县的土壤十分贫瘠。
- The enemy armies clashed near the border. 敌军在边境附近发生冲突。
- This county felt the full fury of the storm. 这个县遭到暴风雨最猛烈的侵袭。