- I've been jogging a lot to get myself into shape. 我长期慢跑锻炼身体。
- bootstrap myself intovt. 靠自己努力达到
- I really got myself into a pickle this time. 这次我真的是陷入了困境。
- I balled myself into a knot and moaned. 我把身子抱成一团,呻吟着。
- I have deliberately got myself into the jam. 我是自投罗网。
- I have dileverately got myself into the jam. 我真是自投罗网。
- I had to thrust myself into the bus. 我不得不硬挤进公共汽车。
- I immerse myself into reciting English vocabulary. 我专心于背英语词汇。
- I donot want make myself into the thing. 我不想牵扯到这件事里面去。
- I squeezed myself into the corner. 我龟缩到角落里。
- I managed to squeeze myself into the crowded theater. 我好不容易挤进那家拥挤的戏院。
- I could no more fan myself into a flame for Miss Amory. 我现在已点燃不起对艾默里小姐的热情。
- I fling myself into talking so that I miss the station. 我讲话太投入了,以至于我坐过了我应该下车的那一站。
- I've been long-distance running a lot to get myself into shape. 我坚持长跑锻炼身体。
- OK, Then I'll cut myself into four pieces to play Mahjong. 好吧,那么我把自己切成四段,打麻将去好了。
- To recover from the divorce, I threw myself into a whirlwind of activities. 为了从离婚中恢复过来,我马不停蹄地投身于一系列的活动。
- I threw myself into the lectures, defending, asserting the rights of women. 我投身到演讲活动中去,到处维护和申张妇女的权利。
- I know, I'll change myself into a temple, and when they come to burn it, pow! 我知道,我会变化为一间小庙,等他们来烧庙的时候,嘭!我又会消失得无影无踪。
- The only time I felt at peace was when I was wandering by myself into nature. 我感到安宁的唯一一次,就是当我自己走进大自然中漫步的时候。
- The air was cool and steady as I hurled myself into the falling light. 我一头扎进了渐渐沉下的夜幕中,空气冰凉而凝滞。