- He succeeded in worming himself into power. 他成功地爬进了掌权阶层。
- He flung himself into his work with renewed vigor. 他又精神抖擞地投入自己的工作。
- bootstrap himself intovt. 靠自己努力达到
- He flung himself into the election campaign. 他全力投入竞选运动。
- He buckled himself into his seat. 他坐在椅子上扣上了安全带。
- The horse threw himself into a squat. 马一下子卧倒在地。
- He had flung himself into the project body and soul. 他全身心地投入到这项工程之中。
- He threw himself into work once he got back from his holidays. 他度假一回来就投身于工作。
- No man would sell himself into thraldom uncompelled. 如果不是被逼迫,谁也不会卖身为奴。
- He flung himself into the work with renewed vigour. 他又精力充沛地投人工作。
- The boy threw himself into his mother's arms while she wept for joy. 孩子扑到妈妈怀里,妈妈高兴得流下眼泪。
- Tom thought himself into a dilemma. 汤姆想得无所适从。
- Jack insinuated himself into her favour. 杰克曲意巴结,赢得了她的欢心。
- He intruded himself into the conversation. 他强行插话。
- He lied himself into our confidence. 他骗取我们的信任。
- The runaway burrowed himself into the haystack. 这个逃犯钻在草堆里。
- He nestled himself into the sofa for a nap. 他倒身躺在沙发上小睡了一会儿。
- He worked himself into a lather. 他干得大汗淋漓。
- He plunged himself into work upon his arrival. 他一到就投入工作。
- Jack spent years bootstrapping himself through university. 杰克靠多年自我奋斗才念完了大学。