- book sorting and cataloguing 图书分编
- The study and cataloguing of phonograph records. 唱片分类学,唱片分类目录对录音唱片的研究和分类目录
- Test column sorting and paging on the Web page. 对网页进行列排序和分页测试。
- Sorting and management of the parts in the blockage store. 对隔离库零件进行整理分类。
- The mail was sorted and pouched by midnight. 邮件在午夜前分拣装包。
- In the Mail and Catalog Merge task pane, click Print. 在“邮件和目录合并”任务窗格中,单击“打印”。
- Please ask for Complete Wholesale Pricelist and Catalog. 请向我们索取完整的批发价目表和产品目录。
- Field names in the Sorting and Grouping dialog for reports. 报表的“排序和分组”对话框中的字段名。
- But there is an art to sorting and understanding them. 但是要想分析并理解它们是需一种技巧的。
- LISP provides two primitives for sorting: sort and stable-sort. LISP提供两种主要的排序:排序和稳定排序。
- In the Common Data View Tasks list, click Sort and Group. 在“常见数据视图任务”列表中,单击“排序和分组”。
- The methods of traditional book classification and cataloguing have proved to be seriously defective. 传统的图书分类与编目方法存在着严重的不足。
- For more information, see Sort and group data in a Data View. 有关详细信息,请参阅对数据视图中的数据进行排序和分组。
- CartKeeper offers a robust PHP Shopping Cart and catalog system for Mals-e ...xiao 77 海运女照片全集 dreamwiz diy.asp dreamwiz sandra editsite 做爱 xiao77 bt cikgu ...
- Collection, sort and pigeonhole materials of customer. 客户资料的收集、整理和归档;
- One trained in the description and cataloging of printed matter. 目录学家训练对印刷品的目录和内容作整理的人
- Property, which enables sorting and sets the sort order in a single step. 属性实现的,该属性一步即可启用排序和设置排序顺序。
- Collecting and Cataloguing the fundamental information of world fishes. 收集些鱼类的基本资料水生生物基本信息。
- The mail was sorted and pouched by 6 a.m. 到凌晨六点邮件已经分类装袋了。
- We used their nap time to clean up the nursery, sort and fold all the laundry. 我们利用他们午睡的时间打扫育儿室,把所有洗熨好的衣物分类叠好。