- You must enter a phone book name. 必须输入一个电话簿名称。
- Specifies the color name and book name of the color. 指定顏色之名称及调色盘之名称。
- And he likes the book named "Dragon Ball". 他爱看的书叫“龙珠”。
- You can omit the parameter label Identity so that only the offline address book name or GUID is supplied. 可以省略参数标签Identity,以便只提供脱机通讯簿的名称或GUID。
- Use the Identity parameter to specify the GUID, distinguished name or offline address book name that represents a specific offline address book. 使用Identity参数指定代表特定脱机通讯簿的GUID、可分辨名称或脱机通讯簿名称。
- Last Saturday I had read a book named "Jack and beanstalk". 若有不明白可以参考你的英文教科书。”
- Because he liked dogs best he wrote a book named James Herriot's Dog Stories. 比如58课,你可以这样概括:James Herriot was a famous vet.
- John did not have a book to his name. 约翰自己一本书也没有。
- David did not have a book to his name. 大卫没有一本属于他自己的书。
- Inscribe your name in a book please. 请在书上签名。
- She inscribed his name on the book. 她将他的名字题写于书上。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- In 1944,Ms. Zhang Ai-ling published her first book named"Romance",a collection of her ten novels. 1944年,张爱玲将她早期发表的十篇小说结集出版,命名为《传奇》。
- In late Tang dynasty and Wudai period, there appeared a book named the collection of Daoism myths. 历史上老子被神化的过程,反映出现实生活的曲折变迁。
- I have taken part in writing one book named vertigo, published by People's Hygiene Publishing House. 参与编写人民卫生出版社出版书目:眩晕。
- The publishing house is planning on a book named Comment on the Analects by Using Examples. 这个出版社正在筹划一本名叫《论语例话》的书。
- Will you inscribe your name in the book? 能否请你在这本书上签名?
- He likes Maths and has recently published a new book named "A Collection of Discussions on Maths". 他爱好数学,最近出了本新书叫《数学杂谈》。
- The Buddha and the Patriarchs was moved by Mulian's filial piety and awarded a book named Yulian earthen bowl. 目连只好向佛祖求救--佛祖被目连的孝心感动--授予其盂兰盆经。
- You can't judge a book by its cover. 不能根据封面判断一本书(不可以貌取人)