- bonus for attainment of goal 目标奖
- The elements we will discuss in the following part are essential for attainment of an ideal organization budget. 我们下面将就预算成功编制的几个重要因素展开讨论。
- The attainment of her ambitions was still a dream. 她要实现抱负仍是一种梦想。
- As noted, SIPs are to provide for attainment of a NAAQS within 3 years of the date of its promulgation. 同样引人瞩目的,州政府执行计划提供了一个达到国家空气质量标准的时限:自标准公布之日起3年。
- The attainment of wealth did not make her happy. 获得财富并没有使她幸福。
- Over seventy cities missed the December 31, 1987 deadline for attainment of the ozone and carbon monoxide air quality standards. 70多个城市都超过了1987年12月31日这个最后期限,臭氧和一氧化碳空气质量控制都没有达到标准。
- The lighting of lamps is a way of paying obeisance to god for attainment of health, wealth, knowledge, peace, valor and fame. 点燃油灯是一种对天礼敬的方式,以达到健康、财富、知识、和平、勇气和名望。
- The attainment of this goal is an evolutionary process. 实现这目标是一个渐进过程。
- An incentive bonus for high productivity. 设立剌激性奖金以提高的生产率
- Every man lives for himself, making use of his free-will for attainment of his own objects, and feels in his whole being that he can do or not do any action. 每个人都为自己而活着,他利用自由以达到其个人的目的,并以全部身心去感受,现在他可以或不可以采取某种行为;
- Capped the time bonus for annexation. 吞并国家的时间奖励被封顶了。
- Three thousand RMB as bonus for each person. 每人三千元人民币作为奖金.
- There'll be a bonus for the winner. 获胜者将获得奖金。
- That’s a terrific bonus for us," he continued. 这对我们是一个非常棒的奖励。”
- We will never stop short of goal. 我们不达目的,决不罢休。
- The attainment of his ambitions was still a dream. 他要实现的抱负仍然是一个梦想。
- It accelerates and decelerates, puts balls of goal. 他的节奏感好,懂得何时提速与减速,理顺进攻层次。
- No wonder your attainment of power is incomplete. 无疑你得到的力量不完整。
- Sully values the concept of 'goal sacrificing. 萨伦伯格尊崇“取舍目标”的观念。
- This one, apparently, comes with a bonus for the paranoid. 这种传感器正好迎合了那些多疑者的需要。