- Agency Bonds A bond issued by a government agency. 机构债券由政府机构发行的债券。
- A stock or bond issued by an industrial enterprise. 工业股票或股票工业企业发行的股票或债券
- The long-term special treasure bond issued by the state and the back-up credits were timely appropriated with respect to the availability of capitals. 长期国债及配套信贷资金拨付及时,到位率高,加大了基础设施建设的投资力度。
- It will also pave the way for the listing of bonds issued by government owned corporations, such as the HKMC, the MTRC, the AA and the KCRC, and eventually of corporate bonds. 此举亦可为公营机构(如香港按揭证券有限公司、地下铁路公司、机场管理局和九广铁路公司)及私营机构债券的上市铺路。
- A person employed to keep a record of the owners of stocks and bonds issued by the company. 被雇来统计持有公司发行的股票和证券股东的人。
- While investing in tax-free bonds issued in your own state offers an added boost, be forewarned.The U. 要注意,在你本人所在的州投资免税债券才可获得更高收益。
- S. dollars.In addition, GMAC bonds issued by credit-default swaps cost down substantially. 此外,GMAC所发行债券的信贷违约互换成本也大幅下滑。
- A bond issued by an insurance company, linking principal and interest to the company's losses due to natural disasters. 保险公司发行的债券,旨在将债券的本金及利息与天然灾害造成的公司损失联系起来。
- Municipal bonds, often called ‘munis,’ are bonds issued by states, counties, or municipalities for capital expenditures. 对大多数人来说,购买房子将是他们一生中最大的一笔投资。
- Citicorp Trustee Company, which acts as trustee for bonds issued by MEL, wrote in June that it regarded the buyback as illegal. 作为MEL发行债券的托管人,花旗银行信托公司六月份称他认为回购是非法的。
- How many parties are involved in an offshore bond issuing? 国外债券的发行中需要哪几方参与?
- Private financiers then stepped in, underwriting Yankee bonds issued by the China Development Bank, formerly the China State Development Bank. 在世界银行拒绝投资之后,一些私人资本家承购了中国开发银行(前身中国国家开发银行)发行的债券。
- A bond issued on the domestic capital market by a foreign borrower and denominated in the domestic currency. These bonds have ... 指外国借款人在其他国家的资本市场以当地货币发行的债券。视发行货币而定,这类债券各有不同名称,例如猛...
- German bonds issued to refinance mortgages or public projects. They can only be issued by specially authorized banks, which are also ... 指为抵押贷款或公共项目融资而发行的德国债券。这种债券只能由获特别准许的银行发行,需有充足的抵押,由抵...
- It will also pave the way for the listing of bonds issued by government owned corporations,such as the HKMC,the MTRC,the AA and the KCRC,and eventually of corporate bonds. 此举亦可为公营机构(如香港按揭证券有限公司、地下铁路公司、机场管理局和九广铁路公司)及私营机构债券的上市铺路。
- Zero-Coupon Convertible A zero-coupon bond issued by a corporation, it can be converted into that corporation's common stock at a certain price. 零息票可转换证券一家企业发行的零息票债券,可以特定价格转换为该企业的普通股。
- A corporate or government bond issued in order to run a revenue-generating public enterprise and payable from the resulting revenue. 是指政府为了修建公路、轨道交通等公共设施而发行的债券。
- A high-grade bond issued by a blue chip company in which investors can have confidence that their interest payments will not be interrupted. 由蓝筹股公司发行的高等级债券,因投资者对其利息支付有充分的信心而得名。
- Sichuan tops other localities in taking a bigger share of the RMB200b program of bonds issued by the central government totalling RMB18b, CCTV reported. 据央视报道,由财政部代理发行的2000亿地方债券分配方案目前已基本确定。
- They assign ratings both to entities issuing bonds and to specific corporate bond issues. 它们给发售债券的公司和个别公司债券评级。