- When it comes to pedagogical psychology, the young scholar knows what's what. 讲起教育心理学,这位年轻的学者是很在行的。
- Helped by Lady Feng, Lady Fan and the young scholar entered betrothal. 十一娘的病就此好了。
- The deep-rooted love of the young scholar and the lovely lady had exacted a debt that must be paid. 今夜啊,他俩人身子儿偎,情儿迈,意儿挨,情根一点偿还了夙生债。
- The He'nan Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar of China under Grant No. 河南省杰出青年基。
- The young scholar rushed to take her in his arms."How you must have been frightened by that hateful abbess that night! 柳梦梅连忙接过:“恨前夜被那姑姑无端撞破,误了你半宵周折,累了你好一阵惊吓,小生只怕姐姐你不再来也。
- The heartbroken young scholar, on hearing the news, rushed to her tomb and wailed uncontuollably. 孟安仁听到噩耗,万分悲痛,夜晚到十一娘坟上大哭。
- The two young scholars were afraid. 两个青年心里发怵。
- Play the learned man of the old age in having young scholar, share of colloquium.. 参加讨论会的有青年学者、部分中老年学者...
- All of a sudden my spirit wakes." Abbess Shih told the young scholar to give the girl some of the wine in the Peony Pavilion. 石道姑见杜丽娘果真还魂转阳,忙招呼梦梅,将丽娘抱进牡丹亭,服些带来的还魂丹。
- We look for young scholars like you and try to steal their souls. 我们寻找像你这样的年轻书生,试图偷走他们的灵魂。
- Wu Fuwen, the founding member of the International Hakka Association and a young scholar in Western Fujian, came to believe through his textual research that Western Fujian has an important place in the relations between the Hakkas in Fujian and Taiwan. 国际客家协会创会会员、闽西青年学者吴福文考证认为,闽西在闽台客家关系中占有重要地位。
- Supported by Abroad Joint Research Fund for Young Scholars of Hong Kong, No. 海外香港青年学者合作研究基金。
- That famous film star leads a bohemian life. 那位著名的电影明星过着放荡不羁的生活。
- Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女以前要上仪态课。
- a young scholar who shows promise 有前途的青年学者
- hsiao sheng [usually a young scholar or lover role] 小生
- Ruth Shonle Cavan Young Scholar Award 鲁斯×肖恩尔×卡万青年学者奖
- Mr King was highly educated, but was a Bohemian down to his boots. 金先生受过很好的教育,但他是一个极其脱俗不拘小节的人。
- In allocating support, preference will be given to applicants from countries facing economic difficulties, as well as young scholars of potential. 组委会将多渠道争取经费,以便帮助那些面临经济困难的国家或地区的申请者和少数有潜力的青年学者。
- When he was a student he led a bohemian life. 当他还是个学生的时候,他就过着放荡不羁的生活。