- bogus Manchukuo 伪满洲国
- The company was bogus, the prospectus was all got up. 那公司全属子虚乌有,所谓的创办计划是胡编乱造出来的。
- There are more bogus jobs than there are real jobs. 无事忙的工作超过真正的工作。
- Everything else was bogus, only money was genuine. 什么也是假的,只有钱是真的。
- What you're saying is bogus, dude. 你唬我啊,老兄。
- Abrogation of the bogus constitution. (二)废除伪宪法;
- The telegram turned out to have been bogus. 电报原来是假的。
- She was fooled by his bogus identity card. 她被他的假身份证骗了。
- Family time?! What?! That's bogus! 家庭时间?什麽!太假了!
- Jason: So this whole story is bogus? 杰森:你昨天说的都是假的?
- Bogus mean something that is not real. 所谓无谓就是不真实的,无用的。
- The following year in March, when the puppet Manchukuo ruling. 次年3月,当上伪满洲国执政。
- Second, why did they choose to participate in Manchukuo? 其次,为什麽他们选择参加满洲国之列?
- The Japanese set up a new country in Manchuria called Manchukuo. 1917年6月,张勋带领辫子军入京,和康有为等保皇党一起,在7月1日宣布溥仪复辟。
- Manchukuo will be endangered and our control of Korea undermined. 满洲国将陷入危险,我们对朝鲜的控制将被削弱。
- Bogus social workers have been preying on old people living alone. 冒牌社会福利工作员不断坑害独居老人。
- The company was bogus,the prospectus was all got up. 那公司全属子虚乌有,所谓的创办计划是胡编乱造出来的。
- The "Manchukuo" Puppet Regime was a figurehead set up by the Japanese. 伪满政府是由日本扶持建立的傀儡政权。
- Any article that was not the real thing was called bogus. 任何不是真品的东西都叫做冒牌货。
- Puyi (1906 1 1967), the last Qing emperor, the emperor puppet Manchukuo. 溥仪(1906一1967),中国清朝末代皇帝,伪满洲国皇帝。