- They competed with skill and tenacity. 他们竞争靠的是技术和顽强意志。
- But they knew also the Chairman's domineering temper and tenacity. 可是他们也知道董事长的脾气就是那样专断,那样执拗。
- I endured the blistering sun with perseverance and tenacity. 我用毅力和任性忍受着毒辣的阳光。
- Once the product is on the shelf, Stuckey says, “it needs to be a living thing;it needs to morph and grow. 一旦该产品在货架上,斯塔基说, “它必须是一个生活的事情,它需要演变和发展。
- Enterprise is like our life and the key of success is savvy and tenacity. 企业如人生,成功的关键是悟性和韧性。
- Yam evenness and tenacity are not as sensitive to the change in yam path. 山药平均和固执是不如敏感的对在山药路径方面的改变。
- And the Chinese people faced this disaster with resourcefulness and tenacity. 中国人民用爱心和勇气来面对这场灾难。
- He uses a combination of length, quickness and tenacity to suffocate his opponents. 他的臂展,敏捷性以及坚韧的防守意志令所有对手胆战心惊。
- Richard Feynman's straightforwardness and tenacity were just part of the many traits that made up this brilliant and remarkable man. 费曼之所以如此才华横溢、引人注目,凭借的特质不仅仅只是直率和顽强而已。
- But Connery tackled them-every day, applying all the energy and tenacity he got from his parents. 但康纳利啃下了它们--秉承着父母坚忍不拔的精神,他每天埋头读书。
- If we receive a spell of Morph and that we are already morphed, the first morph is stopped. 如果我们在已经变形的情况下受到一个变形技能的影响,第一个变形效果将被停止。
- To succeed in life in today's world, you must have the will and tenacity to finish the job. 若想在当今世界获得成功,就必须要有意愿和毅力去完成工作。
- She was badly burned on the face and body. 她面部和身上严重烧伤。
- In any event, Walters saved our March 16 trip with the imagination and tenacity. 不管怎样,沃尔特斯以他的想象力和不屈不挠的意志使我们3月16日的旅行化险为夷。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- But from the start, he was considered a long-term project in need of improved technique defensively and tenacity on the boards. 但在挑选的当初;诺瓦克被认为需要经过长期的比较系统的教授去改善他自己的防守技巧和身体素质.
- She threw herself body and soul into her work. 她全身心地投入她的工作。
- I want to write songs of dreams with a classic pen and sing the past faith and tenacity. 我想用一只最古典的笔写不老的歌来吟唱梦想,吟唱曾有过的信念与执着。
- His body was protected by armour fore and aft. 他的身体前前後後都有盔甲保护。
- This is the most challenging aspect of the assignment, and will require time, creativity and tenacity. 这部份是此作业最具挑战的一环,也最花时间、创造力及耐力。