- A body of the enemy hung upon their rear. 一伙敌人紧紧地跟在他们的后面。
- Our teacher has a high degree of responsibility. 我们老师有高度的责任感。
- He is free from any sense of responsibility. 他丝毫没有责任感。
- Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension. 放松运动可以松缓身体的紧张。
- The body of teachings expounded by the Buddha. 佛法佛祖用来说明佛经的正文
- A strike is a mass refusal to work by a body of employee. 罢工就是大量雇员集体拒绝工作。
- By virtue of sense of responsibility the employees worked overtime. 由于负责,雇员们加班工作。
- A body of people selected or conscripted. 被选出或征召服役的一群人
- A body of unwritten religious precepts. 教义一整套非书面的宗教概念
- Childhood hardships matured in him a precocious sense of responsibility. 童年的艰苦生活使他提早形成了一种过早具有的责任感。
- A small enclosed or partly enclosed body of water. 水洼,潭一片少量或部分被围的水域
- Land bordering a body of water; a bank or shore. 水滨,水边水体边缘的土地; 堤岸
- She managed to divest herself of responsibility. 她企图推卸自己的责任。
- He had no sense of responsibility to speak of. 他毫无责任心可言。
- Do you know who trained our secret police, that fine body of men? 你知道是谁训练那队受人称赞的秘密警察吗?
- It was a shocking abdication of responsibility. 这是一种令人震惊的不负责任。
- The matter is outside my area of responsibility. 此事超出我的责任范围.
- He has no sense of responsibility. 他一点儿责任心都没有。
- A member of a foreign body of troops serving a country in war. 外国援军战时在他国服役的外国军队之一员
- Having sense of responsibility and teamwork spirit. 综合素质高,责任心强,具备良好的职业操守和团队合作精神。