- body fluid distribution 人体体液分布
- A body fluid, such as blood, lymph, or bile. 体液一种体液,如血液、淋巴液或胆汁
- Loss of body fluid leading to hypovolaemia shock. 体液流失,导致低血量休克。
- The formation, distribution and excretion of body fluid depend upon all the movements of qi and its warming, promoting and controlling functions. 津液的形成、布和排泄依赖气的运动和温煦、动和固摄功能。
- Therefore, In case of deficiency of qi or dysfunction of qi, disturbance of body fluid in transportation, distribution and excretion will occur. 因此,气虚或气的功能失常,就会发生津液运行、布和排泄的紊乱,使津液停滞。
- Plain water is the best replenishment of body fluid. 要补充身体流失的水分,最好饮用白开水。
- The movements of qi are the motivity for the transportation, and distribution of body fluid, and the excretion of sweat and urine. 气的运动是津液运行分布和汗尿液排泄的原动力。
- The phlegmrheum affected the distribution of the body fluid, and in last accumulated it to form the phlegm, giving rise to cough and profuse foaming sputum. 故暑邪为病,常兼挟湿邪以侵罪人体。在发烧的同时,常泛起胸闷呕恶、大便溏泄等。
- Where the lack of body fluid, Kouzaoyangan, polydipsia over, for the best. 凡津液不足、口燥咽干、烦渴不休者,可作佳品。
- The deposit induced in the simulated body fluid (SBF) is bone-like apatite. 在模拟体液中诱导沉积出骨状磷灰石。
- For each reservoir evaluated, at least two PVT samples should be obtained, by which the fluid flow parameters can be determined in combination with fluid distribution patterns. 对于目标油藏,至少应获取两个以上合格的PVT资料,并结合流体分布特征合理确定油藏流体特征参数。
- HIV has been isolated from various body fluids. 人们已经从各种体液中分离出hiv。
- The experimental results show that 250K ripple packing can obviously eliminate "the effect of wall flowing", which makes the steam fluid distribution to be even. 实验结果表明:变向孔板波纹填料可以明显消除“壁效应”,使汽液分布均匀。
- Conclusions In patients with severe sepsis, the distribution rate of albumin from plasma to body fluid was obviously elevated and the decomposition rate of albumin was markedly increased. 结论在感染条件下,血清白蛋白从血管内到血管外的分布速率明显增加,白蛋白的分解速率也显著增加。
- The experiments of fluidsaturated rock show that the NMR imaging technology has many advantages in analyzing the pore structure, fluid distribution, fracture identification and flooding process. 通过岩心核磁共振成像基础实验研究,认为核磁成像岩心分析技术在孔隙分布、流体分布、裂缝识别、驱替过程研究等方面具有突出的优势。
- Therefore, In case of deficiency of qi or dysfunction of qi, disturbance of body fluid in transportation, distribution and excretion will occur. Thereby leading to the stagnation of body fluid. 因此,气虚或气的功能失常,就会发生津液运行、分布和排泄的紊乱,使津液停滞。
- The AIDS virus is only transmitted by blood and other body fluids. 爱滋病病毒只能通过血液或其他体液传播。
- Abnormally high alkalinity of the blood and body fluids. 碱中毒血液或体液中异常高的碱度
- The pore structure parameters derived from resistivity parameters are variable with water saturation, and the magnitude and rate of their variations can reflect the change of fluid distribution in reservoirs in the recovery process. 结果表明:从电阻率参数计算得到的岩石孔隙结构参数能较好地反映岩石的孔隙结构特征,利用电阻率计算得到的岩石孔隙结构参数是随含水饱和度变化而变化的量,其变化量及变化的速率能够反映出储集层开采过程中油气藏内部流体的分布变化;
- A loss of body fluid, for example by getting too hot and not drinking enough, can lead to death. 因太热而又饮水不足等原因引起的体液流失会导致死亡。