- Minority of board member opposed the chairman. 董事会成员中的少数人反对董事长。
- A minority of board member opposed the motion. 少数董事会成员反对此动议。
- Evelyn Greer, a board member who voted against the firings, agreed. 一位投票反对解雇的校董会董事伊芙琳·雷尔同意这个观点。
- He would like to be elected as the 2008 CAGD board member. 他现在志愿竞选2008年CAGD理事会成员。
- Board member Marvin Cheung (left) and Finance Director Raymond Lai. 董事會成員張建東(左)及財務總監黎永昌。
- I do not really want to be a board member of the community association. 我真不想当社区协会的委员。
- The first is the role of the Board members. 首先是董事局成员的角色。
- The board members serve four years. 董事会成员任期四年。
- A minority of board members opposed the motion. 少数董事会成员反对此动议。
- I was still smarting from the verdict when I got a call the next morning from board member Uly Da Parma. 第二天早上当我还在为这个决定而感觉难过的时候,我接到了董事尤利·达巴玛的电话。
- This time, too, several of the board members challenged him. 这次也有几名董事对他进行了反驳。
- Dummy Director A person on a company's board of directors who votes and acts on the wishes of a non board member. 挂名董事、名义董事代表一名非董事的意愿进行投票的公司董事会成员。
- NRL editorial board members work part-time and are not paid. 我和其他科技出版人不太一样。
- The discording board members were shuffled out of the room. 意见不一致的董事们被赶出了房间。
- Maybe your labels are for folders that you give to each Board member at the quarterly Board of Director's meeting. 也许您的标签表示您为参加董事会季度会议的每位董事成员提供的文件夹。
- I am currently Board Member and Chief Representative of The Carlyle Group's Beijing Office. 北京代表处首席代表。
- The board of directors of the company may decide that a board member is to serve concurrently as the general manager. 公司董事会可以决定,由董事会成员兼任经理。
- The school board members spend their time disputing and getting nothing done. 学校董事们争论不休,但一事无成。
- Lord Browne has resigned as a board member at Goldman Sachs in the wake of revelations that he lied to a UK High Court judge. 布朗勋爵已辞去高盛董事职务,此前有消息披露称,他曾向英国高等法院一位法官说谎。
- Among those attending the ceremony was Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton, a Vital Voice board member. 出息颁奖仪式的有希拉里克林顿,“重大声音”的董事成员之一。