- Chinese basic colors word includes: Red orange yellow malachite green bluish violet. 汉语的基本颜色词有:赤橙黄绿青蓝紫。
- Leaf blade usually undivided, rarely obscurely 3-lobed, linear to oblanceolate; sepals usually bluish violet, vein anastomoses absent; staminodes absent or occasionally present. 叶片通常不裂,很少昏暗3浅裂,长到倒披针形;通常的萼片带蓝色的紫色,无网结脉;缺席的或偶有提出的退化雄蕊。(2
- Leaf blade usually undivided, rarely obscurely 3-lobed, linear, margin acutely dentate. Sepals usually bluish violet, vein anastomoses absent. Staminodes absent. 叶片通常不裂,3浅裂,线形的不明显的很少,尖锐具牙齿的边缘。通常的萼片带蓝色的紫色,无网结脉。退化雄蕊缺席。
- Leaf blade usually undivided, rarely obscurely 3-lobed, oblanceolate, margin obtusely dentate. Sepals usually bluish violet, vein anastomoses absent. Staminodes occasionally present. 叶片通常不裂,很少不明显3浅裂,倒披针形,边缘钝牙齿。通常的萼片带蓝色的紫色,无网结脉。退化雄蕊偶有宿存。
- grayish-green shrub of desert regions of southwestern United States nd Mexico having sparse foliage and terminal spikes of bluish violet flowers; 美国西南部和墨西哥沙漠地区的一种灰绿色灌木,叶极疏,蓝紫色花成顶生穗状花序;
- The perfume was made from violet and lavender. 这香水是由紫萝兰和乾薰衣草的花制成的。
- Shrinking violet always ready to speak up for herself. 她可不胆小--任何场合都能为自己说话。
- grayish-green shrub of desert regions of southwestern United States nd Mexico having sparse foliage and terminal spikes of bluish violet flowers; locally important as source of a light-colored honey of excellent flavor. 美国西南部和墨西哥沙漠地区的一种灰绿色灌木,叶极疏,蓝紫色花成顶生穗状花序;为当地一种重要的蜜源植物,产生一种味道优良的淡色蜜。
- Red and violet are at opposite ends of the spectrum. 红色和紫色位于光谱相对的两端。
- bluish violet 蓝紫色
- She's no shrinking violet always ready to speak up for herself. 她可不胆小--任何场合都能为自己说话。
- The violet is a dainty spring flower. 紫罗兰是娇艳的春花。
- A spotlight threw a pool of violet light on the stage. 聚光灯在舞台上洒下一团紫光。
- All this was performed by a bluish moonlight. 这一切表演都在淡蓝色的月光下进行。
- The day was hidden by a bluish haze. 天色被隐藏在一片蔚蓝的朦胧中。
- Arizona timber tree with bluish silvery foliage. 亚利桑那木材,叶带蓝色,有银色光泽。
- I caught a faint odour of violet sachet. 我闻到一股紫罗兰香粉的淡淡的清香味儿。
- Fluorescence tone: Bluish bright white tone. 荧光色调:兰亮白色光。
- Red, blue and violet Bengal lights flared up. 突然迸发出红、蓝、紫三种颜色的光焰。
- Mother swabbed me with gentian violet on my knee. 妈妈在我的膝盖上擦了点儿紫药水。