- You ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? 你是否听到狼对著皎洁的月光发出的吼叫声?
- Have you ever hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? 你没有听到过蓝色月光下野狼的哭嗥?
- Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? 听过野狼对圆月哀啸?
- And you never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? 你没听过那幽蓝月下的野狼嚎哮?
- Have you ever hear the Husky cry to the blue corn moon? 你曾听过哈士奇对著月亮的哭嚎?
- Crispy corn chips filled with chilli meat. 香脆玉米饼配墨西哥辣牛肉酱.
- Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned? 你可曾聽過狼對著藍月嚎叫的聲音? 你可曾問過微笑的山貓因何而笑?
- Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned? 你可曾听过荒野之狼仰对蓝色秋月嗥叫的声音?或问过咧齿的山猫为何微笑?
- Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? Or ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned? 你可曾听到野狼向着冷月哀嚎?可曾问过山猫为何咧嘴而笑?
- Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?Can you sing with all the voices of mountains? 你可曾听过狼对著蓝月嗥叫的声音,你可曾问过微笑的山猫为何而笑(或让老鹰告诉你牠去过的地方)?
- The shares of their company are blue chip. 他们公司的值钱而又红利稳。
- As you can tell, Limited Edition Tim McGraw Spicy Jalapeno Frito Corn Chips aren't for everybody, but those who love them, truly love them. 看得出来,并不是所有人都喜欢这玩意,除了那些爱它们,真正爱它们(玉米片)的人。
- However, McCandless ignored Gallien's warnings, refusing all assistance except for a pair of rubber boots, two tuna melt sandwiches, and a bag of corn chips. 但是麦坎德斯没有理会加里恩的警告,除了答应拿双长筒胶鞋,两个金枪鱼三明治和一包玉米片以外,其他所有东西都不要。
- Through degerminating,debraning and milling processes,the corn starch,corn sugar,germ oil,germ cake,corn chips,corn pearl grits and zein can be produced from corn. 对玉米进行提胚取皮制渣处理,再进行制淀粉、糖、发酵生产,同时还可以生产玉米胚油、玉米胚饼以及玉米片类食品、玉米珍珠米,浸取玉米朊。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- Note that many "high salt" products (ketchup, salad dressing, corn chips) show relatively low sodium values based on very small serving portions (who eats only 12 corn chips at a sitting?? 注意许多“高盐”食品(调味酱、色拉酱和麦片)依据很少的每餐用量(谁一次只吃12片麦片?)
- Note that many "high salt" products (ketchup, salad dressing, corn chips) show relatively low sodium values based on very small serving portions (who eats only 12 corn chips at a sitting??). 注意许多“高盐”食品(调味酱、色拉酱和麦片)依据很少的每餐用量(谁一次只吃12片麦片?)
- After the rain the corn shot up as if by magic. 雨后玉米苗像变魔术一般的长起来了。
- The ground was ploughed and planted with corn. 地翻耕后种上了玉米。
- This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares. 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。