- The sky clouded over and a cold wind began to blow. 天上阴云密布,开始刮起冷风来了。
- A cold wind swept through the north. 寒风席卷北方。
- A cold wind blew from northwest. 冷风从西北方向吹来。
- There was a cold wind blowing in from the sea. 一股冷风从海上吹来。
- A cold wind from the Alps was blowing. 阿尔卑斯山中已经起了冷风。
- A cold wind blew from the northwest. 冷风从西北方向吹来。
- A cold wind blew across the river. 河面刮过一股冷风.
- A cold wind was blowing from the north. 一阵冷风从北方吹来。
- A cold wind was coming down the valley. 有一股冷风正吹进山谷。
- Towards evening a cold wind sprang up. 到晚间起子一阵冷风。
- I shivered suddenly when a cold wind passed by. 一阵寒风吹过,我猛地打哆嗦。
- It was a sound like a cold wind that passed through with a swish. 那是一种好似寒风带着呜咽声空荡荡地刮过的声音。
- The darkness grew 20)apace; a cold wind began to blow in freshening gusts from the east, and the showering white flakes in the air increased in number. 黑暗急速扩张;清冽的冷风由东方一阵阵吹来,空中降下的雪花愈来愈多。
- It's rather warm all day, towards to evening a cold wind spring up. 今天热得很,但是临近傍晚的时候,突然来了一阵凉风。
- A cold wind rattled the window, pelting the panes with snow. 一阵冷风吹得窗户啪啪作响,夹杂着雪花猛烈地敲打着玻璃窗。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- A cold wind rustled the leaves. 寒风刮得树叶沙沙响。
- A cold north wind has begun to blow. 寒冷的北风已开始吹起来了。
- But, in the composure of his manner he was unaltered, except that to the shrewd glance of Mr. Lorry it disclosed some shadowy indication that the old air of avoidance and dread had lately passed over him, like a cold wind. 但是,他态度镇定,神色如常,不过罗瑞先生精明的目光却也看出了一些模糊的迹象,表明过去的回避与畏惧的神气又曾如一道寒风在他身上刮过。
- You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles away. 你可以听到汽笛在百里之外响着。