- Only like the dandelions, which bloom fully in the pure blend with the sun, with the active world can all the creatures be themselves completely. 1所有生物只有像蒲公英那样,在与太阳,与充满生机的世界的纯洁的交融中怒放,才是完全的自己。
- There is a camellia tree in the Sanguan Palace blooming fully in midwinter, so it is called Naidong, meaning it can stand bitterly cold winters. 这里采用音译加随文注的方法,对“耐冬”做进一步解释,加深读者对茶花树的印象。
- The peonies are in full bloom now. 现在牡丹花正盛开。
- Judy is now in the bloom of youth. 朱迪现在正当青春年少。
- I think I am fully confident of his success. 我想我完全肯定他能成功。
- I'm well (ie fully) able to manage on my own. 我完全能够独自处理。
- In May, all kinds of plants are in full bloom. 五月里各种植物鲜花盛开。
- Her time is fully occupied with her three children. 她的时间全部用在她的三个孩子身上了。
- The apple-trees are out of bloom. 苹果树已经落了花。
- These rosebuds haven't fully opened. 这些蔷薇花蕾还没有完全开放。
- The daffodils are in full bloom. 水仙花盛开。
- Our suppositions were fully confirmed. 我们猜测的事实已全部证实。
- Daffodils and crocuses bloom in the spring. 水仙花和番红花在春天开放。
- I am fully conscious of his honesty. 我完全清楚他的诚实。
- I don't fully understand his reasons for leaving. 我不完全理解他离开的理由。
- I'll be fully occupied from then on. 从那时起我将会很忙的。
- He's now fully recovered from his stroke. 他现已从中风病完全康复了。
- Her time is fully taken up with writing. 她的时间都用於写作了。
- The island became fully westernized after the war. 这个岛战後已全盘西化了。
- The garden looks lovely when the roses are in bloom. 玫瑰花开时园内美丽诱人。