- Blood serum prealbumin (PAB) from 102 patients with varieties of hepatitis were detected by immunoturbidimetry and their blood serum protein electrophoresis had been analysed as well. 用免疫散射比浊法测定了102 例各类肝病患者血清前白蛋白( PAB) ,并同时进行血清蛋白电泳分析。
- A natural protein in human blood serum that participates in the body's immune response by working in conjunction with the complement system. 备解素,血清灭菌蛋白血清中与防御素协同参与身体的免疫反应的人体血液的天然蛋白
- blood serum protein 血清蛋白质
- 8.Blood serum prealbumin (PAB) from 102 patients with varieties of hepatitis were detected by immunoturbidimetry and their blood serum protein electrophoresis had been analysed as well. 用免疫散射比浊法测定了102 例各类肝病患者血清前白蛋白( PAB) ,并同时进行血清蛋白电泳分析。
- 9.Blood serum prealbumin (PAB) from 102 patients with varieties of hepatitis were detected by immunoturbidimetry and their blood serum protein electrophoresis had been analysed as well. 用免疫散射比浊法测定了102 例各类肝病患者血清前白蛋白( PAB) ,并同时进行血清蛋白电泳分析。
- C-reactive protein is one of the important markers of inflammation which occurs in blood serum in acte phase. C-反应蛋白在急性时相反应中出现于血清中,是一种重要的炎症标志物。
- Phenazopyridine hydrochloride does affect the serum protein conformation. 盐酸非那吡啶在体内能够被血清蛋白存储和转运,但结合时对蛋白构象有一定影响。
- The major factors of blood serum fluorescence were electron transitions in serological protein, carotenoid and porphyrin molecules with conjugated groups. 血清中主要的发光是来自具有共轭基团的血清蛋白、类胡萝卜素和卟啉的电子跃迁。
- We screened the resulting E. coli samples using blood serum from a person (me! 的血清,来筛检大肠杆菌产生的蛋白质样本。
- The results showed that the tryosinase exists in blood serum, skin anti squama. 结果表明,酪氨酸酶在皮肤、鳞片、血清中均有分布;
- The author mainly discussed about blood type,eryth r ocytes esterase and serum protein et al.,and the uses in the analysis on the co lony structure,blood relationship,origin ation and evolution. 本文讨论了家兔的血型、红细胞酯酶、血浆(血清)蛋白等生化标记的研究现状以及在分析群体遗传结构、亲缘关系、起源进化、杂交利用等方面的应用。
- Airway mucus is composed of water, ions, lung secretions, serum protein transudates, and mucin glycoproteins( mucins). 气道粘液层由水、子、分泌物、浆蛋白渗出液及粘蛋白组成。
- Increased levels of serum protein oxidation and correlation with disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus. 血清蛋白氧化水平的提高与系统性红斑狼疮疾病活动度相关。
- It was soon recognized that the substances which provide this resistance could be found in blood serum. 人们不久就弄清了这种提供抵抗力的物质是存在于血清中的。
- Serum protein electrophoresis demonstrated a spike in immunoglobulin A (IgA) lambda chains. 血清蛋白质电泳显示免疫球蛋白A轻链的高度表现。
- "Other quarantine objects" mean animal vaccine,blood serum,diagnostic reagents,wastes of animal or plant nature. “其他检疫物”是指动物疫苗、血清、诊断液、动植物性废弃物等。
- The serum protein level of DBP,RBP and TTR and their mRNA levels in rat liver all decreased gradually after acute PE. 急性肺栓塞后血清中DBP、RBP和TTR的蛋白水平,肝组织中DBP、RBP和TTR的mRNA水平均逐渐降低;
- Phenazopyridine hydrochloride can be deposited and transported by serum protein in vivo. 两者结合的主要作用力类型是静电作用力。
- JC could increase the content of IL-6 of blood serum and index of thymus gland, decrease the content of MDA and LPO. 健脑益寿胶囊可不同程度降低D-半乳糖所致衰老小鼠肝、脑MDA含量和心、肝组织的LPO含量,升高血清IL-6的含量和胸腺指数。