- The hospital has its own blood bank. 这家医院自己有血库。
- blood bank refrigerator 血库(冰箱)
- Hospital blood banks have saved many lives. 医院血库已经拯救了许多人的生命。
- He donated blood to a blood bank. 他捐了血给血库。
- The Red Cross created a blood bank for emergencies. 红十字会为做紧急抢救创立了一个血库。
- The blood bank has run out of type O blood. 血库里的O型血告竭。
- Call the blood bank and ask for five bags of type A+ blood. 打电话给血库,这里需要五袋A型血。
- Call the blood bank and ask them to send us 4 bags A+. 给血库打电话,让他们送来4袋儿A+型血。
- The incpection shows that this blood bank has high quality. 本血站采血人员手及空气环境卫生合格率较高,消毒质量可靠,管理严格。
- But he receives a medical examination the hospital blood bank already did not have the AB blood which he needed. 但是他就诊的医院血库已经没有他需要的ab型血。
- Improving quality managemet system by combining ISO9000 with CMP standard in blood bank. 血站融合ISO9000与GMP标准完善质量管理体系的取向
- The hope is that it can be deeloped into a iable way of relieing blood bank shortages. 希望能将这项技术发展成为缓解血库紧张状态的有价值的途径。
- Each time, he can donate a pint of blood to the blood bank , for others who need it. 每一次,他可以捐出一品脱的血液给血库,给那些需要血的人使用。
- Asked if he was looking forward to the Games Lawrence said: It's like giving Dracula the keys to the blood bank. 当被问到他如何展望奥运会时,劳伦斯说:这就像把血液银行的钥匙给了吸血鬼。
- In addition,these artificial oxygen carriers can be stored for long periods,greatly simplifying the work of the blood bank. 另外,这些人造氧携带体能被长时间保存,大大简化了血库的工作。
- It is mandatory for blood banks to test all donated blood for the virus. 血库必须检查所有捐献的血是否含有这种病毒。
- Brad: Next week, on Thursday, the Bloodmobile will be here taking blood for the Oregon Blood Bank Association. I really think you should go down and give your pint. 布雷德:下个礼拜,星期四那天,捐血车会来这里接受捐血,并将血存入奥勒冈血库协会。我实在认为您也应该去捐个几品脱的血。
- Rudmann,“Textbook of blood banking and transfusion medicine.”1995, by W.B. 请思考有哪些切实可行的防治措施。
- Bethune is probably best known for his introduction of the mobile blood bank to the battlefield, and giving blood transfusions in the midst of heavy fighting. 或许,白求恩因为他首次把流动血站引进战场并在激烈战斗当中进行输血治疗而声名远播。
- In addition, these artificial oxygen carriers can be stored for long periods, greatly simplifying the work of the blood bank. 另外,这些人造氧携带体能被长时间保存,大大简化了血库的工作。