- It is the professional Chinese Music Troupe for the blindage only. 该团是国内唯一的视障专业国乐团,演出曲目主要为创作作品的发表。
- Heavy weapons are useless in the houses, and the intensity of buildings is no blindage for battles. 且房屋强度严重不足,无法作为战斗用掩体。
- The Effect Analysis of Cannonball Destroying Hard Blindage Based on Monte Carlo Method 基于蒙特卡洛法的炮兵武器毁伤坚固掩体分析
- “Switzerland is a neutral, but it still owns modernized military force, strict selective service, and perfect underground blindage. ”(瑞士是中立国,却也拥有现代化的军队、严格的义务兵役制和完善的地下掩体。)
- installation bunder 料仓
- hard blindage 掩体
- blindagen. 盲障
- bundern. 码头;港口
- concrete blindage 混凝土掩体