- The terrible illness left him blind in both eyes later. 这场可怕的疾病使得他后来双目失明了。
- But he had not gone far when he met a Fox, lame in one foot, and a Cat blind in both eyes. 但是他没走出多远,就遇到瘸了了一只脚的狐狸和瞎了双眼的猫。
- I feel a dull pain in both eyes. 我眼睛感觉钝痛。
- Equality of refraction in both eyes. 两眼屈光度相等
- be blind in both eyes 双目失明
- blind in both eyes 双目失明
- He is so narrow-minded that if he falls on a pin, it will blind him in both eyes. 他的眼光是如此狭窄,致使他如果跌倒在一根针上的话,一针就可把他的双眼刺盲了。
- He is so narrow-minded that if he fell on a pin, it would blind him in both eyes. 他的胸襟是那么的狭隘,以致他若跌倒在地碰到一支针,就以为会弄瞎他的双眼。
- Eli was now very very old and was almost blind in both eyes. When he heard the terrible news of the defeat, he broke his neck. 艾利现在已经非常非常的老了,而且两眼几乎都瞎了,当他听到这个可怕的战败消息之后,他甚至跌断了他的颈子。
- The pilot had to fly blind in this weather. 在这种天气飞行员只好盲目飞行。
- Thus stimulation of one retina will normally invoke pupillary constriction in both eyes. 刺激一侧视网膜可引起双眼的瞳孔收缩。
- The camel must be blind in the right eye. 那骆驼一定是右眼瞎了。
- Three months later, he developed optic neuritis with subacute painless vision loss in both eyes. 三个月后,他发展为视神经炎,双眼视力亚急性,无痛性下降。
- My dog is blind in her left eye. 我的狗左眼失明了。
- He picked up a tool with a sharp point and fell on it,blinding himself in both eyes. 他拿着一件有锋利尖头的工具时突然跌到,双目因此失明。
- The old man is blind in the right eye. 若表示一只眼瞎了,可用。
- His father is blind in the right eye. 他父亲右眼看不见。
- Romina,a 21-year-old Western lowland gorilla at Bristol Zoo Gardens,west England,had congenital cataracts in both eyes. 这只21岁的大猩猩名叫罗米纳,生活在英国西部布里斯托尔动物园的西部低地地区。这只不幸的大猩猩自出生的时候就因患有先天性白内障而生活在黑暗之中。
- The man was blind in the right eye. 那人右眼瞎了。
- In both eyes' red capillary has exposed the mood and sleep's puzzle, body's posture, also the taciturnity discloses our life experience and the view. 双眼中的红血丝则揭露了情绪和睡眠的困扰,就连身体的姿势,也无言地透露出我们的生命经历与看法。