- Uses:The sorter is used to estimate the fibre length of wool top. 用途:用于测定羊毛毛条的羊毛纤维长度。
- Darkens or lightens the colors, depending on the blend color. 使颜色变暗或变亮,具体取决于混合色。
- The handmade carpets, woven mostly by women, use naturally colored wool fibers. The most expensive items use silk fibers that lend a shiny look. 手工地毯大部分由妇女织制,只使用天然染色的羊毛。而最贵的产品是加上丝,散发著闪耀光泽的地毯。(法新社/翻译:张爱弟)
- Overseas as an example, the real people who travel to Australia to buy the colored wool products, sheepskin boots, sheep oil, Jolie cosmetics, etc., on the site are for sale. 以海外为例,真正去澳大利亚旅游的人能够买到的各色羊毛制品、羊皮靴子、绵羊油、茱莉化妆品等等,在该网站上都有销售。
- Hue Creates a result color with the luminance and saturation of the base color and the hue of the blend color. 用基色的亮度和饱和度以及混合色的色相创建结果色。
- We accept commission processing business for Basolan, Superwash and Soft-luster wool top. 承接巴素兰、丝光防缩毛条加工业务。
- If the blend color (light source) is lighter than 50% gray, the image is lightened as if it were dodged. 如果混合色(光源)比 50%25 灰色亮,则图像变亮,就像被减淡了一样。
- The wool and wool blends segment of the textile mill products industry consist of two parts, wool top making and wool blends finishing. 纺织厂羊毛和混纺毛织物生产是由两部分组成,羊毛毛条制造和混纺毛织物加工。
- Creates a result color with the luminance and saturation of the base color and the hue of the blend color. 查看每个通道中的颜色信息,并通过增加亮度使基色变亮以反映混合色。与黑色混合则不发生变化。
- If the blend color (light source) is lighter than 50% gray, the image is lightened, as if it were screened. 如果混合色(光源)比 50%25 灰色亮,则图像变亮,就像过滤后的效果。
- If the blend color (light source) is lighter than 50% gray, the image is lightened by increasing the brightness. 如果混合色(光源)比 50%25 灰色亮,则通过减小对比度使图像变亮。
- The graph is painted with blended colors, so it seems not to be so dazzling. 这个图形填充的是间色,所以不是很刺眼。
- Looks at the color information in each channel and brightens the base color to reflect the blend color by increasing the brightness. 查看每个通道中的颜色信息,并通过减小对比度使基色变亮以反映混合色。
- The paper studies also efficient ways no how to remove vegetable faults and improve wool top quality during the whole processing of wool top making from scouring, blending, carding and combing machines, process and production management. 摘要从毛条制造过程中的洗毛、和毛、梳毛和精梳等各道工序的设备、工艺和管理方面探索去除草屑、提高毛条质量的有效途径。
- Looks at the color information in each channel and darkens the base color to reflect the blend color by decreasing the brightness. 查看每个通道中的颜色信息,并通过增加亮度使基色变亮以反映混合色。
- On the other hand, the properties of wool top are also deducted using the prediction model through the characteristics of yam required, which benefits to reducing the cost for the mill. 另一方面,根据所要加工纱线的质量要求,反演所需毛条的相关质量指标,以便企业能够用较低的原料成本生产同样质量的纱线。
- The Flick south in order to feel grateful oneself is saved, then has given to the white sheep king of zeus the numerous god, and gives the golden color wool King Kerr wonderful Si Guo. 弗利克索斯为了感激自己得救,便将白羊献给了众神之王宙斯,并把金色的羊毛送给克尔奇斯国的国王。
- Burns or dodges the colors by decreasing or increasing the brightness, depending on the blend color. 通过增加或减小对比度来加深或减淡颜色,具体取决于混合色。
- The slenderized wool tops and the corresponding techniquehave been applied in wool industry. 羊毛细化的理论意义和实用价值巨大,羊毛细化技术及其产品已在应用。
- Burns or dodges the colors by increasing or decreasing the contrast, depending on the blend color. 通过减小或增加亮度来加深或减淡颜色,具体取决于混合色。