- She covered the bed with an old faded grey blanket. 她在床上铺着褪了色的灰色旧毯子。
- The traveler wrapped himself with a blanket. 旅行者用毯子把自己裹上。
- He threw a blanket over the injured man. 他急忙给受伤的人披上条毯子。
- The curtains blend in perfectly with the furniture. 窗帘(的颜色)跟家具(的颜色)十分和谐。
- She covered her knees (up) with a blanket. 她把毯子盖在膝盖上。
- The boss promised a blanket wage increase. 老板答应全面加薪。
- The houses seem to blend into the surroundings. 这些房子似乎与周围的环境融为一体了。
- The valley was covered with a blanket of snow. 山谷白雪如毯。
- He blended butter and sugar together. 他将奶油和糖混合在一起。
- We rigged up a tent with an old blanket. 我们用旧毛毯草草搭成帐篷。
- It's cold I need another blanket. 太冷了--我再要一条毯子。
- He rolled himself (up) in his blanket. 他用毛毯裹住身体。
- She sat by the fire, swaddled in a blanket. 她用毯子裹住身子,坐在火炉旁。
- These cigarettes are a blend of the best tobaccos. 这些香烟是用最好的烟草混合制成的。
- They cuddled up (together) under the blanket. 他们盖著毯子(在一起)搂著。
- Melt the butter and then blend in the flour. 先把黄油融化,然後加入面粉。
- Their voices blend (together) well. 他们的声音很和谐。
- Blend the eggs and milk (together). 把蛋和奶搀到一起。
- Those cottages blend perfectly with the landscape. 那些农舍与周围的风景完全融为一体了。
- Picked a tie that blended with the jacket. 挑一条和夹克相配的领带