- blend FCC gasoline 掺炼催化汽油
- Whereas, the FCC gasoline contains a higher amount of sulfur. 而催化裂化汽油存在的主要问题是硫含量过高。
- The solid base pretreating of FCC gasoline wil l completely avoid this problem. 但是,开发汽油预处理固体碱是具有挑战性的课题。
- Function mechanism of FCC gasoline desulfurization assistant has been analyzed. 分析了催化裂化汽油脱硫助剂的作用机理。
- The FCC gasoline can be fractionated into three fractions and treated separately. 因此触媒裂解汽油应分馏成三馏份以便个别处理。
- As caustic solution prewashing of FCC gasoline discharges lots of lye, it is nec essary to improve the process. 用苛性碱液对汽油进行预碱洗时易产生大量废碱液,为彻底消除废液提出了用固体碱预处理代替苛性碱液预碱洗的方法。
- The technical features of the methods for reducing olefins in FCC gasoline are presented. 并提出了催化裂化汽油降烯烃的方法应该具有的技术特征。
- In order to reduce olefin and sulfur content, FCC gasoline hydrorefining and hydroisomerization technology was studied. 为了降低催化汽油中的烯烃含量、硫含量,进行了催化汽油加氢精制加氢异构化的研究。
- The kinetics of tertamyl methyl ether(TAME) synthesis using C5 fraction of FCC gasoline was studied. 摘要研究了FCC汽油中C5馏分合成甲基叔戊基醚(TAME)的宏观动力学。
- Based on the trends,it is important to decrease the content of alkenes in FCC gasoline. 随着对环保问题的日益重视,人们对燃料的要求也越来越高,降低FCC汽油中的烯烃含量迫在眉睫。
- The choosing of adsobents is necessary in the adsorptive desulfurization of FCC gasoline. 摘要对FCC汽油进行吸附脱硫,吸附剂的选择是关键。
- The application of a FCC gasoline olefin reduction LBO-A in Harbin Petrochemical Company was introduced. 助剂是中国石油兰州石化公司开发的用于提高裂化汽油辛烷值和降低汽油烯烃含量的催化剂助剂。
- Results show that the contents of C5= and C6= in FCC gasoline can be enhanced via using the ZSM-5 catalyst in catalytic cracking. 结果表明,催化裂化过程添加ZSM-5催化剂可提高汽油中C=5、C=6的质量分数。
- According to PONA(Pareffins,Olefins,Naphthenes,Aromatics) analytic results of FCC gasoline,some model compounds were selected. 根据FCC汽油的PONA(Paraffins,Olefins,Naphthenes and Aromatics)分析结果,确定了不同结构的FCC汽油模型化合物。
- The GOR-DQ catalyst for reducing FCC gasoline olefinicity was designed on the basis of chemical reactions in catalytic cracking conditions. 通过催化裂化条件下降烯烃反应化学分析,进行了GOR-DQ催化剂设计。
- This paper reviewed the advances of olefins degradation and hydrodesulphurization technologies for FCC gasoline at home and abroad. 综述了国内外催化裂化汽油降烯烃及加氢脱硫技术进展。
- On the basis of etherifying experiment of isobutene, the etherification of FCC gasoline was studied on a smallscale etherification unit. 以异丁烯酸化实验研究为基础,在小型醚化实验装置上进行了催化裂化汽油全馏分的醚化实验研究。
- The content of the phenols in the FCC gasoline is determined by the 4-amino antipyrine direct photometric analysis method. 采用4-氨基安替比啉直接光度法测定了化裂化汽油中的酚类化合物的质量分数。
- Sodium hydroxide solution with dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO) is used as solvent.Sulfide in FCC gasoline is extracted by the solvent. 采用加二甲基亚砜(DMSO)的氢氧化钠碱液作萃取剂,对催化裂化汽油进行萃取后脱除硫化物;
- Manufacture and first commercial application of RIDOS catalysts for FCC gasoline hydrodesulfurization(HDS) and olefin reduction were described. 介绍了RIDOS系列催化汽油加氢脱硫降烯烃催化剂的工业试生产及首次工业应用。