- blasting lime pile 爆扩石灰桩
- Application Research on Deep Mixing Lime Pile Strengthnbing Soft Foundation of Highway. 深层搅拌石灰桩加固公路软基的应用研究。
- Lime pile and high compress forcing pulp are used to reinforce fhe settled foundation. 某礼堂综合楼受浸水损坏,采用生石灰桩及高压水泥注浆综合法加固建筑物沉陷部分地基,获得成功。
- It can realize the construction of premoulded pile, concrete influx pile, concre te garlic pile, lime pile, gravel pile, etc. 因此,该机广泛应用于工业与民用建筑的桩基础施工,是一种特别适应城市建设、环保型的桩工机械产品。
- Under the complex geological condition where the backfill is on thick soft clay, the design method of combining fly ash concrete pile and lime pile is presented. 针对深厚软粘土上覆新回填土的复杂地质条件,提出了粉煤灰混凝土桩与石灰桩联合进行地基处理的设计方法。
- Strengthening the red mud foundation by lime pile 生石灰桩加固赤泥地基探讨
- Study of Constructional Technology of Lime Pile 石灰桩施工技术探讨
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。
- On the Application of Lime Pile to Soft Ground Treatment 浅谈石灰桩法在软土处理工程中的应用
- The accordion was in full blast in the hall. 在大厅里手风琴拉得非常响亮。
- Effect of Lime Quantity on Behaviour of Flyash Lime Pile 石灰掺量对粉煤灰石灰桩性能的影响
- Discussion on Lime Pile in Consolidating Soft Clay Foundation 石灰桩加固软土地基探讨
- We may burn limestone to obtain lime. 我们可以通过烧石灰石来得到石灰。
- The party was going on in full blast. 聚会进行得热闹非凡。
- He added some water into the lime. 他往石灰里加了些水。
- Your letter got buried under a pile of papers. 你的信压在一堆文件下面了。
- My brother plays his records full blast in his bedroom every night. 我弟弟每天晚上在他的卧室里大声放录音机。
- A blast of the trumpet gave her a start. 突然发出的喇叭声吓了她一跳。
- I bet they are making a pile out of the deal. 我肯定他们这笔生意一定赚大钱。
- He has been pile with work since he came here. 自从来这儿以后他一直有做不完的工作。