- From blank to blank a threadless way I pushed mechanic feet. 从空白到空白,我毫无头绪的踩着机器的踏板。
- My life before that is a blank to me. 那以前的生活对我来说已是一片空白。
- They managed to blank the Giants for five innings. 他们力图连赢巨人队5局使对手一分也没得。
- An English book is a blank to me. 我对英语书一窍不通。
- Draw a blank To fail to find or remember something. 找不到或忘记某物。
- She had tried to blank out the whole experience. 她曾试图把全部经历从记忆中抹去。
- from blank to blank a threadless way I pushed mechanic feet- Emily Dickenson. 从一个空到另一个空我没有头绪的踩着机器的踏板-艾米丽·迪肯森。
- To change the background back to blank, use Background None. 要将背景改回空白,请单击“无背景”。
- Sets the body of the page to blank when the page is printed. 当向页面发出打印请求时,将页面本身设置为空白。
- No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn. 任何人都不准不按次序买票。
- He explained further,"I don't read English. An English book is a blank to me. 他进一步解释说:“我不懂英语,我对英语书一窍不通。
- Firstclass ticket to Birmingham, please. 请给买一张到伯明翰的头等票。
- He is given a free ticket to the exhibition. 有人给他一张免费参观展览的票。
- All right! Sting is coming! I have to get a ticket. 好棒!斯汀要来!我得买张票!
- I booked a ticket through to Peking. 我预定了到北京的直达车票。
- I want to book a ticket for Harbin. 我要买一张去哈尔滨的车票。
- This option can be left blank to indicates that any available RIS server can answer and service this client. 该选项可以保留空白,表示任何可用的RIS服务器都可以为该客户机提供答复和服务。
- Game Controls: cursor control movement in the direction Click on the button to blank firing. 游戏操作:光标控制移动的方向,点击空格键可以对射击。
- In the Owner text box, type the name or alias of the owner of the label, or leave it blank to search through all team members. 在“所有者”文本框中,键入标签所有者的名称或别名,或者将该文本框保留为空以搜索所有团队成员。
- He queued up to buy his subway ticket of 20 penny. 他排队买了一张20便士的地铁车票。