- blank whitewashed walls 光秃秃的白灰墙
- It had clean whitewashed walls, a table and a char. 屋里有白白的墙,还有条长桌,一把椅子。
- Then Paul said to him, God is going to strike you, you whitewashed wall. 3保罗对他说,你这粉饰的墙,神将要击打你了。
- It was a bright, spotlessly clean room, with whitewashed walls and a big skylight. 屋子里很亮,玻璃天棚,四壁刷着白灰。
- The buildings preserve the characteristics of Jiangnan architecture - black roof tiles and whitewashed walls. 江南乡村。还保持着古老的典型江南建筑风格(白墙黑瓦)。
- The priest's house is clean and light, with well-scrubbed wood floors and whitewashed walls. 牧师家是又干净又明亮,还有擦的很好的木头地板和白石灰墙壁。
- Teaching Building of the slip quietly whitewashed walls, as well as pink, blue, is not it pretty? 教学楼的墙壁粉刷的白白静静的,还有粉红色,蓝色,是不是很漂亮呢?
- Who are the barbarians who put footprints on whitewashed walls, who throw chewing gum and cigarette butts on the stairs, who spit and even blow their nose on the floor? 那些把脚印留在粉刷得白白的墙上、把嚼过的口香糖和烟蒂扔到楼梯上、把痰吐到甚至把鼻涕擤到地板上的野蛮人是谁呢?
- Acts 23:3 Then Paul said to him, God is going to strike you, you whitewashed wall. 徒二三3保罗对他说,你这粉饰的墙,神将要击打你了。
- Under the blue sky and white clouds, and inside the matching blue roofs and whitewashed walls of the classrooms, students are bursting with energy. But it wasn't always like this. 蓝天白云下,蓝瓦白墙的教室,学生展现旺盛的生命力,这一切却是得来不易。
- A great garden master of the Ming dynasty Joshing use to teach his followers to take the whitewashed wall as a sheet of paper and paint it with rocks. 明代有位造园大师就曾经教他的弟子以白墙为纸,点缀假山的技法。
- Then Paul said to him, God will give blows to you, you whitewashed wall: are you here to be my judge by law, and by your orders am I given blows against the law? 保罗对他说,你这粉饰的墙。神要打你。你坐堂为的是按律法审问我,你竟违背律法,吩咐人打我吗?
- Then Paul said to him, "God is going to strike you, you whitewashed wall!Do you sit to try me according to the Law, and in violation of the Law order me to be struck? 徒23:3保罗对他说、你这粉饰的墙、神要打你.你坐堂为的是按律法审问我、你竟违背律法、吩咐人打我麽。
- Some of them shall have blank charters. 他们当中一些人将得到行动自由。
- Er, let me think. Sorry, my mind's gone blank. 让我想一想。抱歉,我大脑一片空白。
- I'll have my little house whitewashed tomorrow. 明天我找人用石灰水粉刷一下小屋。
- Many blank spaces are still left in the suburbs. 郊区仍留有许多空地。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- His memory was completely blank on the subject. 关于这个题目,他已完全丧失记忆。
- The maid did down the walls with a duster. 女佣用掸帚由上而下地刷除四壁上的尘垢。