- Only after a bitter struggle was the aim achieved. 这个目的只有经过艰苦的斗争才能达到。
- Everything new comes from the forge of hard and bitter struggle. 一切新的东西都是从艰苦斗争中锻炼出来的。
- Hence they can endure the hardships of the bitter struggle without complaint. 因此,他们能在艰苦的斗争中不出怨言。
- The bill was passed only after six years of bitter struggle in Congress. 这一提案在国会进行了激烈的争论,六年后才通过。
- Therefore,both the enemy and ourselves will fight for the Dabie Mountains,a matter involving a bitter struggle. 大别山,敌人必争,我也必争,这是艰苦斗争的过程。
- He is engaged in a bitter struggle with his rival to get control of the company. 为取得对公司的控制权,他正同对手进行一场激烈的斗争。
- We have waged a bitter struggle against the Gang of Four over the question of whether the four modernizations are needed or not. 围绕着要不要四个现代化,我们曾经同“四人帮”进行了尖锐激烈的斗争。
- After centuries of bitter struggle, they have come to loathe the Get of Fenris, Fianna and Shadow Lords. 经过了数世纪的痛苦挣扎,他们渐渐地厌恶。
- Therefore, both the enemy and ourselves will fight for the Dabie Mountains, a matter involving a bitter struggle. 大别山,敌人必争,我也必争,这是艰苦斗争的过程。
- You would be affected by the warmth of life if someone gives you an understanding look during your bitter struggle . 如果你在痛苦挣扎的时刻,有谁给你一个理解的眼神,你一定会被生活的温暖所触动。
- In the end, the Kuomintang fell to pieces and a bitter struggle of cliques prevailed at the summit of power. 国民党最后终于四分五裂,最高领导集团内部爆发了剧烈的派系斗争,这是促使共产党取得胜利的一个因素,虽然只是一个消极被动的因素。
- You would be affected by the warmth of life if someone gives you an understanding look during your bitter struggle. 在你困苦挣扎的过程中如果有人给你一个理解的眼神你就会被生活的温暖所感染。
- The result will be a bitter struggle between a resurgent Congress and a determined executive, which will leave the administration hopelessly distracted. 恢复角色的国会与坚决自主的行政部门之间斗争,其结果将如冤家对头般激烈,将使当局绝望地不胜其扰。
- Last season the two sides have met twice, the United Kingdom Championship 1 / 4 finals, Selby experienced a bitter struggle to win 9-7. 上赛季双方曾经两次交手,英国锦标赛1/4决赛,塞尔比经历苦战以9-7获胜。
- In 1250, Northern Europe is locked in a bitter struggle between Paganism and Christianity, once ordained as a Crusade, it is now an unholy slaughter by the dreaded Teutonic order. 在1250年,北欧大陆被异教徒和基督徒之间的痛苦争斗所笼罩,一旦获得授权成立十字军,恐怖的条顿骑士团将发动一场恐怖的屠杀。
- It is wrong simply to exhort people in any base area to endure hardship in the bitter struggle without encouraging them to increase production and thereby try to improve their material conditions. 在有根据地的条件下,不提倡发展生产并在发展生产的条件下为改善物质生活而斗争,只是片面地提倡艰苦奋斗的观点,是错误的。
- While the enemy ruled the whole country,we had only small armed forces,consequently,from the very beginning we have had to wage a bitter struggle against his "encirclement and suppression" campaigns. 敌人是全国的统治者,我们只有一点小部队,因此,我们一开始就是和敌人的“围剿”奋斗。
- As soon as these cities were captured,this alliance broke up,giving way to bitter struggle among the four cliques,and now a war is brewing between the Chiang and the Kwangsi cliques. 这些城市一被打下,这个团结立即解散,变为四派内部激烈斗争的局面,蒋桂两派且在酝酿战争中。
- While the enemy ruled the whole country, we had only small armed forces,consequently, from the very beginning we have had to wage a bitter struggle against his "encirclement and suppression" campaigns. 敌人是全国的统治者,我们只有一点小部队,因此,我们一开始就是和敌人的“围剿”奋斗。
- As soon as these cities were captured, this alliance broke up, giving way to bitter struggle among the four cliques, and now a war is brewing between the Chiang and the Kwangsi cliques. 北京天津打下以后,这个团结立即解散,变为四派内部激烈斗争的局面,蒋桂两派且在酝酿战争中。