- bit serial data stream 位串行数据流
- The serial data stream from the DOUT pin has a channel identifier bit and a mode identifier bit, which provide information about the channel converted and the current mode of operation. DOUT引脚的串行数据流有一个通道识别位和一个模式识别位,可提供所转换通道和当前工作模式的相关信息。
- Through the serializer, parallel data are transformed into a serial data stream. 透过序列串列转换器,平行的资料被转换成一条串列的资料流。
- serial data stream 串行数据流
- Compression ratio of the server input data stream. 服务器输入数据流的压缩比率。
- Compression ratio of the server output data stream. 服务器输出数据流的压缩比率。
- Binds a vertex buffer to a device data stream. 将顶点缓冲区绑定到设备数据流。
- Sparse data stream found in file record segment %1. 在文件纪录段%251找到了稀疏数据流。
- At the receiving end of an asynchronous serial data link, the receiver continually monitors the line looking for a start bit. (在异步串行数据链路系统的接收端,接收器持续监视着线路,搜索着起始位。)
- Byte offset within the data stream. 数据流内的字节偏移量。
- The procedure of converting serial data into parallel data. 将串行数据转换为并行数据的过程或方法。
- Method to save to an open data stream. 方法保存到开放式数据流。
- USB employs NRZI data encoding to transmit USB serial data. USB串行数据采用了NRZI编码,在USB数据线上传输。
- The GCM communicates with the PCCI control over a serial data link. GCM与PCC通过串行数据连接。
- With SAD 0832 8 bit serial output A/D converter as an example,a special testing method has been demonstrated for serial output A/D converters. 以SAD08328位串行输出A/D转换器为例,验证了一种串行输出A/D转换器的特殊测试方法。
- The process by which the receiver of a serial communication establishes its clocking used to locate code bits in a received data stream. 串行通数据接收方建立时钟的过程,该时钟用来在接收的数据中确定编码位。
- Check bit A binary bit added to the data stream during machine verification to enable the machine to detect errors. 校验数元使机器在校验时发觉错误的一个加在信息流内的二进制数元。
- Check bit: A binary bit added to the data stream during machine verification to enable the machine to detect errors. 校验数元:使机器在校验时发觉错误的一个加在信息流内的二进制数元.
- The Helix Server is used to offer data stream service . 在平台网络环境的构建中,服务器端采用Helix server提供网络视频数据流服务。
- Gets a vertex buffer bound to the specified data stream. 获取绑定到指定数据流的顶点缓冲区。