- bisthmuth film electrode 铋膜电极
- The preparation of palladium film electrode and its application in potentiometric titration is reported in this paper. 报道钯膜电极在电位滴定中的应用。
- The formed film electrode is of uniformity and hasgood adhesiveness with Ti substrate. 冷却方式为在氨气保护下随炉降温;
- A theory of constant-current stripping analysis (CCSA) with a spheric mercury film electrode (SMFE) is presented in this paper. 推导出球形汞膜电极上的恒电流溶出分析法的理论方程式。
- The electrochemical behavior of heparin(Hep) is studied by circulation voltammetry(CV) and linear sweep voltammetry(LSV) with a bismuth film electrode. 利用循环伏安法(CV)、线性扫描伏安法(LSV)研究了肝素钠在铋膜玻碳电极上的电化学行为。
- A method using mercury film electrode for the oscillopolarographic neutralization titration of hexamethylenetetramine is described in the paper. 本文研究了用汞膜电极示波极谱中和滴定法测定六次甲基四胺含量的新方法。
- The research progress of protein-nano particle film electrode on the electrochemistry is introduced briefly in this paper. 摘要简要介绍蛋白质-纳米粒子薄膜电极的电化学与电催化研究的新进展。
- By cyclic voltammetry,the paper researches the size of potential window about B-doped diamond film electrode in the KCL potential solution. 通过循环伏安法研究了掺硼金刚石膜电极在KCL溶液中的电势窗口大小,结果表明电势窗口可达3。
- Together with the development of elctrochemistry, the manufacturing technology of thin film electrode has heed linked with advanced material making technology. 伴随电化学学科的发展,薄膜电极制作技术已经与最新的材料制作技术链接。
- DNA was studied by means of cyclic voltammetry (CV) with a mercury film electrode (MFE) using conventional CV, differential pulse voltammetry and alternating current voltammetry. 首次在汞膜电极上利用循环伏安、微分脉冲和交流伏安法研究脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)的电化学行为。
- The nanocomposite film electrode will bring anode photocurrent if in the condition of light illumination, which showed that the transfer of cavities gave birth to photocurrent. 在光照条件下,此纳米膜电极能够产生阳极光电流,说明光生电流主要靠空穴导电。
- Together with the development of elctrochemistry, the manufacturing technology of thin film electrode has beed linked with advanced material making technology. 伴随电化学学科的发展,薄膜电极制作技术已经与最新的材料制作技术链接。
- The photo voltaic conversion properties of polythiophene film and nanostructured TiO2/PTh film electrode were studied by using the photocurrent action spectra,the photocurrent dependence of potential and UVvis absorption spectra. 用光电流作用谱、光电流-电势图等光电化学方法研究了聚噻吩(PTh)膜和纳米结构TiO2/聚噻吩(ITO/TiO2/PTh)复合膜的光电转换性质。
- The photon-current conversion properties of nanostructured TiO2/PMET film electrode were studied by using the photocurrent action spectra, the photocurrent dependence of potential and UV-Vis absorption spectra. 用光电流作用谱、光电流-电势图等光电化学方法研究了ITO/聚3-甲基噻吩(PMeT)膜电极和ITO/TiO2/PMET复合膜电极的光电转换性质.
- The preparation and application of the P2W18 heteropolyacid-naphthylamine _ modified elec_trode is described. The electrochemical characteristics of the film electrode were studied by cyclic voltammetry and other methods. 研制了Dawson型杂多酸P2W18-1_萘胺化学修饰电极 ,采用循环伏安法等方法研究了聚合膜电极的电化学特性。
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- TiO_2 and Ce doped TiO_2 thin film electrode deposited on porous nickel were prepared by sol-gel method,Using the porous nickel electrode as working electrode ,the photoelectrocatalytic(PEC) system was built. 用溶胶-凝胶法制备了泡沫镍负载TiO2及Ce离子掺杂TiO2薄膜电极,并以其为工作电极,建立了三电极光电催化体系。
- The interference caused by various amino acids and some other substances in the proteose peptone medium adsorbed in the surface of the mercury film electrode can be eliminated by using exchange of medium during the stripping step. 通过使用交换介质法,较好消除了由于蛋白胨细胞生长液中各种氨基酸或其它组分吸附在汞膜表面而引起的干扰。
- Electrode modified with Pt microparticles has been prepared by electrodepositing Pt on PANI complex film electrode and its property of electrocatalytic oxidation to ascorbic acid has been observed. 在该电极上修饰铂,制得铂微粒修饰聚苯胺复合膜电极,研究了其对抗坏血酸的电催化氧化,发现修饰后的电极对抗坏血酸的氧化有很高的催化活性。
- The polyaluminon film electrodes were prepared,which can electrocatalytical oxidate ascorbic acid and nitrite. 铝试剂能在玻碳电极表面电聚合成膜,该膜能电催化氧化抗坏血酸、亚硝酸根。