- bipolar planetary nebula 双极行星状星云
- The bipolar outflows from post-AGB stars eventually grow to form a Planetary nebula. 晚期AGB恒星的偶极外向流最终将演化为行星状星云。
- The result is called, somewhat misleadingly, a planetary nebula. 这个结果称为行星状星云,这是个常让人误解的名字。
- This fraction matches the fraction of planetary nebulae that are bipolar. 这个比例符合双极星云在行星状星云中所占的比例。
- Many objections can be raised to this picture of planetary nebula formation. 形成行星状星云的这一图象可能会引起许多异议。
- It will evolve into a cosmic butterfly - a spectacular planetary nebula in the starry sky. 不过,太阳的死亡绝不平淡,它会化为星空蝴蝶成为夜空中灿烂的行星状星云。
- The spectacular planetary nebula Helix Nebula is the death of a star disguised as a butterfly. 色彩斑斓的行星状星云螺旋星云,正是恒星死亡所化身的蝴蝶。
- Officially known as PN G75.5+1.7, the Soap Bubble is an example of a planetary nebula. 这个“肥皂泡”被正式命名为PN G75.;5+1
- Caption:: Cataloged as NGC6543, a dying Sun-like star ejected its outer gaseous layers into concentric shells as a planetary nebula. 编号为NGC6543的行星状星云,由类似太阳但接近死亡的恒星向外抛出的数个同心外层气壳所成。
- Like its brighter namesake M27 (the Dumbbell Nebula), M76 is recognized as a planetary nebula - a gaseous shroud cast off by a dying sunlike star. 与较亮的具有同名"哑铃星云"的M27一样,M76也被认为是一个行星状星云-它是一颗类似太阳一样的恒星死亡时释放出的气壳。
- Glowing like a multi-faceted jewel, the planetary nebula IC 418 lies about 2,000 light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Lepus. 像一颗精心雕琢的宝石,行星状星云IC 418坐落在距地球2,000光年的天兔座内。
- Like its better-known namesake M27 (the Dumbbell Nebula), M76 is recognized as a planetary nebula - a gaseous shroud cast off by a dying sunlike star. 就像更为著名的哑铃星云M27一样,M76被认为是一个行星状星云-其气体外壳由一颗类似太阳一样濒临死亡的恒星吹出。
- These new developments enable us to identify the first instance of symmetry breaking in the evolution from AGB to planetary nebula. 这个新发现使我们能够鉴认AGB星从打破球对称结构到最终形成行星状星云的最初一步。
- When it dies( by swelling to become a red giant, a planetary nebula and finally a white dwarf), it will be much hotter than other, older white dwarfs of similar mass. 当它(胀成红巨星、星状星云并最后变成白矮星)亡时,它的温度将比其他质量相近的年老白矮星,要高上许多。
- Most stars will become a planetary nebula near the end of their lives. Our Sun, will also undergo such a transformation in about five billion years from now. 大部份恒星在其生命将终结时,均会变成行星状星云,而我们的太阳,亦将于五十亿年后经历这个转变。
- Shining with light from the central star reflected by dust, the frigid Boomerang Nebula is believed to be a star or stellar system evolving toward the planetary nebula phase. 冰寒的回飞棒星云会发光,是因为它尘埃反射了来自中心星的星光,天文学家认为它是正在演化到行星状星云阶段的恒星或恒星系统。
- One of the fainter objects in Messier's catalog, the Owl Nebula is a planetary nebula, the glowing gaseous envelope shed by a dying sun-like star as it runs out of nuclear fuel. 在梅西尔的目录中,猫头鹰星云是一个暗淡的行星状星云,发光气体罩遮盖着一个正在死亡的类太阳恒星,其已耗尽了内部核燃料。
- Whereas a supernova goes off in the Milky Way every few centuries, a new planetary nebula forms every year, as hundreds of older ones fade into obscurity. 银河系中,虽然每隔几世纪有一颗超新星爆发,但每年都有一朵新的行星状星云形成,并有上百朵老旧星云消褪隐遁。
- In fact, 21st century astronomers would classify it as a Planetary Nebula, but it's not a planet either, even though it may appear round and planet-like in a small telescope. 事实上,21世纪的天文学家将该天体归类为行星状星云,但是它也不是一颗行星,尽管通过小型望远镜看,它的外观可能呈圆形、类行星状。
- Planetary nebulae are not as airy and tranquil as their images suggest. 行星状星云并不如影像中所显现的那麽飘逸宁静。