- bipinnate seta 双栉刚毛(动)
- A bristle or seta, especially of an annelid worm. 刚毛尤指环节动物毛虫类的毫毛或刚毛
- They seta guard on the minister. 他们为部长派了一名卫兵。
- I rely on you to seta good example. 我全靠你来树立个好榜样。
- A bristle or seta,especially of an annelid worm. 刚毛尤指环节动物毛虫类的毫毛或刚毛
- Seta Hotel : Book online and save up to 30%. 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.
- It develops from the zygote and comprises the foot, seta, and capsule. 由受精卵发育而来,包括基足、柄和孢蒴。
- Please pack one TV seta cardboard box, 4 setsa wooden case suitable for export. 请把每台电视机装一纸板箱,每四台装一适合于出口的木箱。
- The Chinese peony overwhelming majority variety is the bipinnate duplicate leaf, but also has the minority variety is a chapter of duplicate leaf. 中国牡丹绝大多数品种属二回羽状复叶,但也有少数品种为一回羽状复叶。
- Inflorescences bipinnate panicles; flowers corymbose; branchlets and midrib tomentose with reddish, elongated, 2-celled capitate trichomes. 花序2回羽状的圆锥花序;花伞房状;被绒毛的小枝和中脉有带红色,拉长,2室头状毛状体。(9
- Tropical South American tree having a wide-spreading crown of bipinnate leaves and coiled ear-shaped fruits,grown for shade and ornament as well as valuable timber. 南美热带地区的一种乔木,具有茂盛的二回羽状复叶,果卷曲,耳状,具有遮荫,装饰作用,木材价值高。
- SETA pursues the goal of service first, complies with the equitable, public and practical principles. 奉行以服务为宗旨,克守公正、公平、公开的原则,以求实的态度为服务工作的理念。
- Gecko seta operate on the surface of the substances completely by van der Waals forces. 壁虎脚足与物体表面是完全的范德华力。
- Ti misi delle vesti ricamate, de’ calzari di pelle di tasso, ti cinsi il capo di lino fino, ti ricopersi di seta. 那时我用水洗你,洗净你身上的血,又用油抹你。
- Matched seta (earrings and a necklace) haven't looked good since Elizabethan days. 从伊丽莎白年代后,配一整套的耳环和链子,已经看起来不是很棒噜!<2005-01-28
- For a greater challenge, play against a friend or seta time limit for a correct answer. 对更重大的挑战来说,抗衡朋友或者为了正确的答案设置期限。
- Tibetans in Seta (Ch. Seda) County, Kham (Kardze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture) held peaceful protest. 康(四川省甘孜藏族自治州)色达县藏人举行抗议游行。
- Any of various mostly tropical herbs, shrubs, and trees of the genus Mimosa, having globular heads of small flowers with protruding stamens and usually bipinnate, compound leaves that are often sensitive to touch or light. 含羞草一种含羞草属的多种热带草本植物、灌木及乔本植物,开球状小花,花蕊突出,通常生有二回羽状复叶,对触模和光很敏感
- A filamentous projection or bristle similar to a hair, such as a seta of an arthropod or an epidermal process of a plant. 茸毛与毛发相似的细丝状突出物或刺毛,比如节肢动物的刚毛,或植物表面细胞的生成
- Pseudopodium (pl. pseudopodia) 1. A leafless stalk that bears the capsule in Sphagnum and other mosses that lack a seta. 假蒴柄:1.;一种在泥炭藓属和其他缺乏蒴柄的藓类中的结构。它是一种无叶的柄,其上生有蒴果。