- It is the Geneva, Switzerland-based Biotech Company's second recombinant infertility drug. 它是瑞士生物技术公司在日内瓦的公司生产的第二种重组治疗不孕症的药。
- Kor-Chin Biotech Company Limited is 100% foreign invested company,owned by Kor-Chin Holding Company. 科金(珠海)生物科技有限公司乃科金控股有限公司的全资子公司,属100%25外商独资企业。
- G1001 is a new immunotherapeutic drug for pancreatic cancer deeloped by Danish-based biotech company Pharmexa. G1001是由丹麦pharmexa生物科技公司新开发的一种针对胰腺癌的免疫治疗药物。
- United Biochemical Research, Inc. (UBR), is a Seattle based biotech company that uses the latest technology to synthesize your custom peptides. 美国生化研究公司(UBR),是一家位于西雅图的生物科技公司,我们利用最新科技,合成客户所需的肽序列。
- Eppendorf is a biotech company which develops, produces and distributes systems for use in life-science research laboratories worldwide. 德国艾本德股份公司是一家主要从事生命科学实验室产品的开发、制造和经营业务的生物技术公司。
- FusoGen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., founded in 2002, is a leading Chinese biotech company based in Tianjin and Beijing, China. 扶素生物技术有限公司,成立于 2002 年,总部设在天津,是一家在中国生物技术领域居于领先地位的企业。
- The major whisky distiller said it succeeded in developing blue roses in 2004 with the Australian biotech company Florigene Pty Ltd. 这家大型威士忌蒸馏企业称,该公司与澳大利亚一家名为“花基因”的生物科技公司合作,于2004年成功研制出蓝玫瑰。
- FusoGen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a leading Chinese biotech company based in Tianjin and Beijing, China.The company was founded in 2002 by Dr. 扶素生物技术有限公司,成立于2002年,总部设在天津,是一家在中国生物技术领域居于领先地位的企业。
- The next day, McCormick excitedly explained his notion to colleagues at Onyx Pharmaceuticals in Richmond, Calif, a biotech company he had founded earlier that year. 次日,麦考麦克对他的同事兴奋地讲解了他的想法。 麦考麦克在加州瑞奇蒙德的奥尼克斯制药公司工作,这是由他在当年早些时候建立的生物技术公司。
- South Korean biotech company on Monday unveiled four Labrador retriever puppies it said were cloned from a Japanese dog skilled at sniffing out patients with cancer. 韩国一家生物科技公司于本周一公布,他们以日本一只拉布拉多嗅癌犬为原型,成功克隆出四只嗅癌猎犬。
- A South Korean biotech company on Monday unveiled four Labrador retriever puppies it said were cloned from a Japanese dog skilled at sniffing out patients with cancer. 韩国一家生物科技公司于本周一宣布,他们以日本一只拉布拉多嗅癌犬为原型,成功克隆出四只嗅癌猎犬。
- Three years ago the ferociously versatile Cheng spearheaded the founding of a San Diego biotech company based on technology from Tsinghua University in Beijing,where he was named a professor in 1999. 3年前,多才多艺的程京凭借北京清华大学的技术,牵头在圣迭戈成立了一家生物技术公司。他在1999年被聘为清华大学的教授。
- Ronald A. Coffee,a University of Oxford biochemist and president of the Oxford-based biotech company Electrosols,has a sprayon dressing he hopes will encourage normal skin growth immediately after an injury. 罗那尔多·柯菲是牛津大学的生物化学家,同时也是设在牛津的Electrosols生物技术公司的经理。他发明了喷涂敷药法以期促使创伤面新皮肤的正常再生。
- In London stock market, record company EMI may be close to a layoff. Also, biotech company Celltech may stop selling shares. These news renewed optimism and market closed 0.6% higher. 英国市场方面,唱片公司EMI可能裁员,以及生物科技企业Celltech可能会停止售卖股票,都给将市场带来乐观的气氛,将股市推高0.;6%25。
- Pharmaceutical and biotech companies are investing heavily in both of these approaches. 医药和生物技术公司,正在对这两种方法进行大量的投资。
- Nor, as Mr Poste says, is there conclusive evidence that research at biotech companies is always more productive. 正如波斯泰先生指出的,也不存在什么结论性的证据,表明在生物科技公司进行研究总是更有成效。
- Currently, Mountain View is home to Alza/Johnson & Johnson Corporation and 36 other biotech companies. 目前,山景城已有大小生物技术公司近四十家。
- Ronald A. Coffee, a University of Oxford biochemist and president of the Oxford-based biotech company Electrosols, has a sprayon dressing he hopes will encourage normal skin growth immediately after an injury. 罗那尔多·柯菲是牛津大学的生物化学家,同时也是设在牛津的Electrosols生物技术公司的经理。他发明了喷涂敷药法以期促使创伤面新皮肤的正常再生。
- In the U.S.,VCs have not only pumped billions of dollars into early-stage biotech companies but also provided them with sorely needed management savvy. 在美国,风险资本不仅向初创期的生物技术公司投入大量资金,而且为它们提供急需的管理技能。
- It's sad that we have to part company with them. 很遗憾我们要与他们分别了。